Unfortunately, we have no idea what you said in your POPLA appeal. Have PE countered every point in your POPLA appeal? If not, you highlight the omission in your response to the operators evidence.
Normally, a POPLA appeal will cover some, in not all, the following points:
1. Any PoFA failures to be able to hold the keeper liable.
2. No evidence that the person they are pursuing is the driver.
3. Signage failures to adequately bring the the attention of the driver the charge for breaching any terms & condition.
4. No evidence of landowner authority to issue PCNs in their own name.
5. Failure fully comply with the BPA Code of Practice (CoP).
Did you include any of those in our POPLA appeal?
Rejection of a POPLA appeal has no bearing on any future proceedings. You are not obliged to pay anything. In which case, you will have to weather a load of useless debt collector letters which you can safely ignore and wait and see if they decide to issue a claim in the small claims track of the county court.
That is usually a good thing as it is the ultimate dispute resolution service. A judge would decide whether you owe PE a debt or not. In the case of PE, they have their own internal litigation team but sometimes use DCB Legal, especially if they have a weak case.
In the worst case scenario, if you were to be unsuccessful in court, it could cost you up to ~£220. However, there is no risk of a CCJ on your credit file as long as the amount is paid within 28 days of judgment.
Of course, that is a worst case scenario. If they decide to use DCB Legal, there is a 99% chance that they will discontinue before any hearing.