Not sure if I've got an ad blocker. I've just tried another site, LV, very easy to use and seem to have the cover I need with more ad-ons for less than my current price with esure. £604 fully comp, including commuting/business use, drive any other car, European cover. Esure wanted about £1100!! No claims, 1 SP30. It goes to show you've got to shop around.
Like last year, esure nearly doubled the price, I went on MSE and got it quite a bit cheaper. MSE asked why I wasn't renewing with them, I told them I'd got it cheaper with MSE. Who with? Esure. They matched the MSE price.
Interesting that Saga, who profess to get everything cheaper for older people, come in at over £3400 for the same car, a Range Rover 3.8TD with over 330,000km on the clock!