On the form, "In the" can be left blank.
"Claim No." is self explanatory.
"To be completed by" and then your name.
You are the "1st" "Defendant".
A1 should be "No" as you do not want mediation. It is a waste of everyones time in a parking case.
C1 is "Yes".
D1 is "No" and put the following in the box:
I am not content for the case to be heard 'on the papers' because that seems to disproportionately give an advantage to a legally represented party. I feel strongly after all these years of intimidating demands from this aggressive parking firm and its agents, that I need a voice at an attended hearing.
I wish to question the Claimant about their evidence at a hearing in person and to expose omissions and any misleading or incorrect evidence or assertions.
Given the Claimant is a firm who complete cut & paste parking case paperwork for a living, having this case heard solely on papers would appear to put the Claimant at an unfair advantage, especially as they would no doubt prefer the Defendant not to have the opportunity to expose the issues in the Claimants template submissions or speak as the only true witness to events in question.
If you are filling in the form using a PDF editor, if you use Arial font at 9pt, it will all fit in the text box.
E1 is your local county court or wherever you prefer to have the claim heard.
https://www.find-court-tribunal.service.gov.uk/search-optionE2 "No" unless you do have an "expert witness".
E3 "1" unless you have additional "witnesses".
E4 is self explanatory. If you do have any dates, make sure you block them out with padded days either side.
The rest is self explanatory and you sign the form as "1st" "Defendant".