Slightly facetious question (as is the use of the word "slightly") - what is "the rule of law"?
Is it -
(a) a fundamental principle of a free and open democracy which provides that the state as well as the plebs citizens are bound by the law, that the state is not entitled to punish citizens arbitrarily, without explicit legal powers, and that ambiguities in legislation creating offences and authorising enforcement must both be read in favour of the accused,
(b) a fairy tale intended solely to placate the plebs citizens while the establishment continue to do what they like (nominally in the name of the citizens),
(c) the second funniest private joke within the legal profession, after the prosecutor's legal duty not to seek conviction at all costs, but to act fairly as a minister of justice,
(d) Respect my authoritah!, or
(e) Nice tin foil hat?