I started a similar post the other day, looks like I added too much additional "colour" and it got taken down.
last time I inflicted a similar situation on myself I managed to delay,delay,delay (pre covid) until eventually getting a summary justice "fill this in or else" type form. the eventualoutcome was I delayed my conviction @11 months so only had "active" points for 2 years 1 month (points applied from date of offence). I obviously took additional care in the interimperiod but, for example, if I had been caught in speed awareness 'territory', that would have still been open to me. It also delayed additional insurance cost pain and reduced the period said pain was suffered by 11 months. The problem for me is that all the correspondence around delaying etc sits on a dead computer.
It was 52 in a 30, I tried some old yarns at the time but did still cop the full 6 points. Now expired.
last week I've likely picked up a band B, no NIP yet but probably somewhere between 71-74 (real speed) in a 50. obviously I understand strict liability, etc, I'm going to take some pain, would ususally be a straight 6 points I genuinely believe that there are some mitigating factors that make it "not as bad" as many other "70 odd in a 50". I'm wondering if at the summary justice stage,I have a slim chance of getting 4 instead of 6 points, assuming any actual proportionality gets applied.
Two aims -
1- anything to delay the process as long as possible, so all tactics on that appreciated. Just to be clear I'm not too fussed if dragging out to summary justice incurrs additional costs.
2- input from anyone that has managed to mitigate a band B down to four points -Can it be done? Or is 4 pOints only the preserve of those only a few M.P.H. into Band B?
Any constructive input appreciated.