This is clearly designed to be a speed trap as there werent even any roadworks on road, speed was already dropped from 70 to 60. Then only on barricade where camera was, was it dropped to 50. Digusting especially due to how similar a 6 and a 5 are when on the board of overhang barricade
I was sent the ticket well over 14 days after the alleged offence (although they say they had wrong address initially) so can’t be charged from a legal perspective anyway, i was asked if i was the driver on 29th of November for an alleged offence on the 19th of September at 1:35am. I admitted i was the driver but not that i should be charged of anything. I then received an offer of fixed penalty/ speed awareness course on the 13th December nearly 3 months after the alleged
I actually remember the day of the alleged offence well as often highway maintenance put cones on the road even when there is no work being done, or for miles before the work, to create a speed trap by reducing the speed limit on clear/empty roads.
The speed on the barricades was changed from 70 down to 60 NOT 50, which is the speed i was doing (the camera would not have flashed at my speed, which takes into account circa 10% leeway) i think a jury would also agree eyesight on a speedometer needle is not the clearest
ALSO, As i was going/ approaching the last Bridge/barricade it then signalled a 50 speed limit (on the very last barricade)
I remember the camera flashing and being extremely surprised, i assumed a mistake and thought nothing of it and that i wouldn’t receive anything as it must have been a malfunction.
Bearing in mind this is an average speed camera too, it would be nearly impossible to change an average speed of previous barricades (a few miles long) down to 50…
A 60 sign is also very similar to a 50, i am curious to see how many other people were flashed that day.
I have never been flashed and charged by a speed camera before, this is my first alleged offence and appeal ever as i know i didnt nothing wrong, especially looking back at nearly a decade of driving and no offences like this
I had the option of a speed awareness course (no points or fine) but have chosen this route as i know i did nothing wrong
I have a history of paying fines that are legitimate even if i don’t agree/like them, I paid two congestion charges for (£90x2) paid recently even though i was never notified i was in a congestion zone and was asked by a colleague to travel to the location.
See there attached response. I dont blame police, this is the council and highway maintenance trying to get every penny they can
I still plan on going to court and represent myself, if i lose i also plan on not paying, presumably i cant go to prison for such a minor offence. I hate people who basically steal money from the public. I would rather pay a lawyer more and have morals than pay even the smallest amount to such bogus