I'm still puzzled why - if as claimed so many regulars have actually moved here - the speed section is vacant in comparison?
Is that because of the "
READ THIS FIRST - **BEFORE POSTING YOUR CASE!**" Important Topic on this website under
Speeding and other criminal offences which appears to suggest to posters to use "
our NIP Wizard" and then gives a footnote referring to PePiPoo? That seems to me to be inviting speeding posters to post on Pepipoo rather than posting here.
But I'm uncertain as to whether the PePiPoo NIP wizard is fit for purpose anyway. There's a thread on there at the moment where the OP had an NIP dated 11 days after the offence but received it 15 days after the offence. The Wizard recommendations are (1)
"that the NIP must arrive within 14 days unless there is a valid reason why that was not possible", and (2) also links to advice from the RAC's legal team which directs to a thread over 20 years old which contains a suggested and out of date response drafted by the RAC and such gems as returning the NIP unsigned and that the best defence is to say you don't know who was driving...
I appreciate that the answers themselves to the Wizard questions can assist in providing relelvant advice, but that doesn't really explain why the Wizard produces a "Recommendation" that on the face of it is extrememly misleading if not downright wrong. I've certainly read one thread where the OP said thay'd sent off the RAC letter as recommended only to be asked why they'd done that. Well because that's what the wizard recommended.
I'm sure when it was written years ago the Wizard was rather clever and helpful, but I'd suggest that at the very least it needs updating. Perhaps it should be done on here.
(I think I previously pointed out problems with the wizard on PePiPoo but got dismissively shot down and couldn't be bothered taking it further. But this is a different website...)