Author Topic: Passing a cyclist.  (Read 184 times)

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Passing a cyclist.
« on: September 08, 2024, 05:07:56 pm »
If the cyclist is in a separate marked lane, does the rule about close passing somehow no longer apply?


1) The cyclist is travelling towards you on the other carriageway, but is very close to the white line as he is about to turn right. Are you required to move towards the kerb to give him 1.5m+?

2) The cyclist is riding close to the centre line (his handlebar end is almost on the white line), you move completely into the other lane to overtake, must you be at least 1.5m to the right of the centre line?

3) The cyclist is wholly within a marked cycle lane at the left of the carriageway (only separated by a painted line). Must you leave 1.5m+?

4) The cyclist is within a cycle lane separated from the road by a narrow raised kerb. Must you leave 1.5m+?

I would suggest that not keeping 1.5m+ away is dangerous. In case 4) you are unlikely to hit him because of the kerb, but what if he clips that kerb and falls off?

There was a graphic shared by some Police Forces on Twitter a few years ago that states that "If one moves into the opposing lane (to overtake) then the position of the rider (within his lane) is irrelevant". (Complete with typo on the version I link below)

It also had a graphic explaining that 12 bikes in single file become 8 in double file and are 3 times as quick to overtake- I suspect the graphic was quietly retired rather than being corrected.

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Re: Passing a cyclist.
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2024, 05:50:25 pm »
Why do you think it wouldn't apply?


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Re: Passing a cyclist.
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2024, 05:54:59 pm »
Why do you think it wouldn't apply?
Obviously the white line endows the cyclist with superpowers.


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Re: Passing a cyclist.
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2024, 06:06:50 pm »
There is no rule that one has to give a cyclist 1.5m room. It’s a handy guide to avoid careless driving. So, in each scenario, you just have to avoid driving carelessly, regardless of how close or not you get to the cyclist.


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Re: Passing a cyclist.
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2024, 09:25:01 pm »
Why do you think it wouldn't apply?

I think it does apply, as it would obviously be dangerous driving if the cyclist wobbled, or you sneezed, and you hit him, so it must be at least careless to be that close even if you don't.

Why I asked the question was I see plenty of close passes (and experience them as an occasional cyclist) in situations 1,3 & 4, and my attention was drawn to that graphic, supposedly posted by the Police, which effectively says that once you are in another lane, the position of the cyclist in his lane is irrelevant- situation 2.

There is also the current guidance "give a cyclist as much space as you would a car"- when travelling in traffic lanes in a town cars are often far closer than 1.5m.                                                         

Image searching that graphic, it was very popular in 2018/2019 then disappeared. I suspect a well meaning someone unofficially produced it (hence the typos and obvious errors) and it was withdrawn once it came to the attention of the Higher Ups as anything officially posted by a Police source should be 100% accurate and unambiguous (one hopes..).
« Last Edit: September 08, 2024, 09:40:07 pm by facade »


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Re: Passing a cyclist.
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2024, 10:22:23 pm »
my attention was drawn to that graphic, supposedly posted by the Police, which effectively says that once you are in another lane, the position of the cyclist in his lane is irrelevant- situation 2.

Except that's not what the bollox from the police says. It refers to "the opposing lane", not "any other mickey mouse lane regardless of how narrow, just as long as it has the magic broken white lines to protect the lycra lout". I'm sure that there's a technical term for somebody who tries to make a point by deliberately misquoting something and then trying to treat the misquoted version as gospel. Other than the various appropriate four letter variations.

To rationalise the bollox from the police, if the car driver and the cyclist have a lane each and the cyclist decides that he is going to straddle the white line for no reason other than to make it difficult for the car driver to pass while still giving him the 1.5m which he considers his absolute birthright, the driver would be doing society a favour if he allows the cyclist to prove Darwin right, that's no longer the driver's problem.

 posted by a Police source should be 100% accurate and unambiguous (one hopes..).
I am responsible for the accuracy of the information I post, not your ability to comprehend it.
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