Author Topic: CCJ Set-Aside  (Read 158 times)

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CCJ Set-Aside
« on: June 30, 2023, 12:58:23 pm »

I am due to attend a hearing to set-aside a CCJ on July 10th 2023.

Background: I received 3x PCNs for parking in the parking space that is owned by the flat that I was renting. There is nothing in my tenancy agreement or the lease that states that a parking permit must be displayed. In goodwill, I did pay for a parking permit 2 days after moving in to the property (it took us 2 days to get a response from the parking company on how to pay for a permit). I did not receive a physical copy of the permit for 18 days and during this time 3 x PCNs were issued.

The claim form was then issued to an address I had sold before moving into the rented property. This is despite me updating the DVLA on the day of moving each time. I never received the Claim resulting in a CCJ.

I have submitted my witness statement that focuses on setting aside the CCJ on the basis of CPR13.2 or 13.3 and have included a summary of my defence (primacy of contract).

Does anyone know if there is value in adding the information above as well as Primacy of Contract?

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Re: CCJ Set-Aside
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2023, 04:52:37 pm »
You will only succeed under CPR 13.2 if the claim form was incorrectly served. That doesn’t appear to be the case if it was sent to the ‘correct’ address, being the address recorded by the DVLA on the date of the contravention.

CPR 13.3 requires you to show that you have a viable defence that ought to be tried, or there is some other good reason for a trial. So you need to put forward as many good defence points as you can, ideally by submitting a draft defence, which the court could order to be entered if it grants your application. There seems little point in rehearsing the defence in a witness statement when it can just be exhibited in a draft defence.

The witness statement should really concentrate on why no acknowledgment of service or defence was filed in time, i.e. why did you not comply with the rules? It can also give evidence as to why you have a good defence and ought to be able to ventilate it.