I have an old diesel which has been approved for scrappage. 2010, Ford Mondeo Estate.
I would say the car is worth £1500 as a runner - there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Apart from the emissions! But here we are.
Let's say it's worth £500 scrap, for illustration. The grant is £2,000.
What's the process?
Will the dealers give me zero, and TFL give me grant for £2,000?
Will the dealers give me £500, and TFL give me grant for £1,500, to make it up to £2000?
Will the dealers give me £500, and TFL still give me whole grant for £2,000? So I'll end up with £2,500?
I've seen some scapper's adverts, offering cash on top of the grant. About £250.
Clearly that would be a bonus, but I don't know if that's legit or not.
Want to know where I stand, and how it works, before talking to scrappers.