Author Topic: DVLA being naughty?  (Read 270 times)

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DVLA being naughty?
« on: November 04, 2023, 03:39:48 pm »
I have a non compliant vehicle. Since TfL introduced the  laughably called congestion charge , by that you get charged for entering with a car not of their liking YET not if you owned on they did like so it was never a congestion charge.
Leaving that aside i have never driven within  a) the congestion area, B0 the revised ULEZ north/south circular limit. and not crossed the M25 since Aug 29 in it
However early August i got a letter from TfL telling me my car was non compliant.How did they get my VRN ( no doubt by a camera outside the A406/A205 boundary)  and why did they find it necessary to write and tell me.
Is that good enough reason for the DVLA to release my details . There is on FB page a rep0ly from the DVLA that appears that they wrote to me on behalf of TfL.
It appears that TfL paid DVLA nearly 700k  > the wired part is if i read ir correctly that it concerned vehicles in the TfL area. I live West of Windsor!!!  so why did they think i needed to be told???

If there was a way i could rub some backs up i would be pleased to know. Unfortunately i just binned the letter.

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