Admittedly, a single incident is not statistically significant, but my experience of traffic police and addressing bad driving is not promising.
Some years ago, the M4 westbound unusually had a large number of vehicles in lanes 1 and 2, travelling at a reasonable speed but far too close together, so much so, that I felt uncomfortable driving in said lanes, and pretty much no traffic in lane 3 - which was far more comfortable due to the lack of an apparent 5 mile pile-up if anyone happened to sneeze. Obviously, it is rude to sit in lane 3 without overtaking the vehicles in the lower lanes, and my car at the time (a 2.9 Granada) effortlessly picked up speed.
Cutting a long story short, after a marked traffic car stopped coming to a stop on an overbridge (junction) when he saw me "making progress" in lane 3, sat on my outside as if the passenger was trying to syphon petrol out of my tank for about half a mile at 65mph (having seen the marked traffic car react to my progress, I had ceased making progress) before shooting off at 140+mph because he was pissed off that he couldn't follow check me at ~120, I got pulled by an unmarked car, which had only managed to record my speed at 96 (which was too low for their internal rules to process) and was majorly p*ssed off at the at least 6 cars that had pulled out in front of me causing me to brake sharply when the unmarked car was hoping to clock me at ~120.
TL;DR - real (unmarked) traffic police's opinion of lemmings dangerously pulling out in front of a car travelling at a far higher speed is that this was a problem because it prevented them catching me for a worthwhile speed.
Also had a few choice quotes. Opening gambit was "If it wasn't for that traffic car, you'd be getting a ticket now", followed by "stop smirking", and (considering that it was an unmarked car) "we're surprised you didn't see us".