This morning I received speeding ticket with the date of offence dating back to 26/7/24. I was expecting it as I seen the camera flash haha.
The date on the NIP is 03/09/24 which is 5 and half weeks later.
I have gone online on website listed on the letter which showd details of the offence.
I should mention that my car is a personal lease vehicle, so I can only assume the NIP was originally issued to the lease company because -
The website shows:
Notice sent on 01/08/24
New driver nominated 04/09/24.
So what I'm questioning is, if the lease company has named me as the driver on 04/09/24 at 07:58am, how can this NIP have been issued to me on 03/09/24.
Would I have any grounds here to contest it? 🤞🏻🤞🏻