Please try and understand that we need a bit more information than you have provided.
I'm going to assume that the claimant is Excel Parking but I'm prepared to be corrected. Who exactly is the Claimant. Is the Claimant being represented or did they file the claim themselves.
Please show us the Particulars of Claim (PoC). Also show us exactly what you put in as your defence. We don't want a summary, we need the details.
Mediation is mandatory these days but it is unsuitable for these kind of claims. The only requirement is to attend the mediation phone call. However, as we have not seen what you put in as your defence and whether you have a hope of defending, it is problematic.
Normally, we would provide a tried and tested defence and we never recommend offering anything except £0 at mediation as most of these claims are either discontinued or won. In this case, we have no idea of your defence.
So, if you want advice, please provide the necessary information as requested.