Author Topic: Disabled bay, parked with blue badge in UKPC CP. Letter: not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space.  (Read 191 times)

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The driver parked in a blue badge space and displayed the badge correctly. Saw Parking Person walking nearby a couple of times but he said nothing to driver. Driver went into Home Bargains and returned to car. No notice on windscreen. Driver received letter in post stating 'Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space. Cardiff Bay Retail Park, Ferry Road, Cardiff, CF11 OJR on the 26/05/2023 at 15:01:05' Driver viewed images on Offside wheels were just on the yellow border line but not on the hatched area. (Driver needs to park towards left of space in order to open nearside rear door fully to removed disability walker, stored behind driver seat). Driver contacted Local Councillor for advice; not able to assist. Appealed by letter to UKPC address. Driver received 2nd letter: FINAL REMINDER. Driver then received letter from UKPC dismissing appeal and upholding the original charge. Letter states further appeal can be made to POPLA. BUT UKPC have chosen not to participate in the Ombudsman alternative resolution service. They do not state why. Full £100 fine (rather than £60) will be required if next appeal is rejected. Driver is not able to upload photo of parking notices (which is near the shop, not near the disabled bays) in order to write that appeal or upload here.

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We'll need to see images to be able to assist. The best way to upload images is to use a third party site, such as Imgur, or PostImg - we could do with seeing copies of the notice received, photos of the car in the space, as well as the wording of the appeal submitted, and UKPC's response.

Pursuing on the basis of a single wheel touching the line sounds like very sharp practice - a good first step would be to find out who owns or manages the retail park and speak to them to see if they will intervene. You should also begin drafting an appeal to POPLA (don't worry about the sentence about the Ombudsman service, POPLA provides the next stage of the appeal process) - POPLA aren't always great for issues like this and may well find in favour of UKPC, but a strong appeal will show UKPC that you're not going to be an easy target.

It's worth being aware that UKPC are known for playing brinksmanship with some of their cases - there have been a large number of instances in the past year or so of them pursuing charges as far as court - until defences have been submitted and hearing dates set, only to then discontinue when the defendant continues with their defence. This thread on the MSE forum highlights some examples:


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I have the photo of the Parking Board Notice in the CP on my phone and could forward it to a WhatsApp number... I could print the letters or attach them to emails... I will have to go to my local HUB to see how I could upload to anything that is suggested on here as it is all way beyond my capability. That also means that I cannot send any evidence with my appeal online.But I guess I could print it all in the HUB and post it to them?


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Do you have any friends or family who might be able to help you out with the tech? It would be a shame if that hindered you fighting the charge.

I have sent you a direct message around sharing images.