OP, will you pl start at the beginning.
I suggest..
I regularly park at this location/use the council's paybyphone facility. Within the last ** weeks I have had difficulty extending current parking sessions and have had to wait until their expiry. I contacted the council/RingGo in this regard on **, see attached.
On Fri. 7 June I parked at the location and bought ** hours' parking, expiry time ***. At *** I tried to extend this until ***, however the app/site would not allow me to do so. I managed to pay for a new parking period commencing at ** by which time the PCN had been issued.
OP, issues for me:
Does this location allow parking periods to be extended or are they limited in any way;
GSV shows a simple payment bay without a 'no return within X hours' restriction. Pl confirm.
If parking periods cannot be extended but there isn't a 'no return within' restriction this could account for the circumstances you've set out.
At what time did the paid-for time referred to in the PCN expire?
At what time did your next session commence and when and how did you purchase this?
The time of contravention is 15.40.
And who is the vehicle's registered keeper and are their DVLA details current?