There is a discrepancy between what is stated on the PCN I received in the post and and what is stated online. According to the letter, I have 14 days from the date of the notice (02.12.24) to pay the discounted rate of £65. Furthermore, the penalty charge must be paid before the end of the period of 28 days from this date. This suggests that after 14 days you pay the full charge of £130 but either way you must pay before the period of 28 days. It does not state which, if any, penalties exist for not paying during this time frame.
When you view the PCN on Lambeth's website, it says The amount outstanding on the Charge Notice will increase to £130.00 on Sun, 29 Dec 2024. Please pay £65.00 now. This is different as it suggests you have 28 days to pay the discounted rate and an undeterminable period in which to pay the full charge. This is confusing and misleading, especially as the PCN letter directs you to the website to view, challenge or pay the charge.