This has come up as car insurance is up for renewal - Gf got caught by a mobile van doing 57 in a 50 in Sept 2022, letter sent in Oct. Her address had changed, so eventually current resident of her old place (a friend) informed her of said letter. She accepts she was driving the car in Nov 22, and gets fixed penalty notice in December. She pays the fine in Jan (within required timeframe) and posts her license details at the same time (letter specifically says not to post physical license). Slight error here is she didn't get proof of posting here.
She then hears nothing, but in May gets a MoJ-HMCTS refund for £100 and doesn't really know what it's about, not accompanied by any letters.
We are doing car insurance this weekend so I ask what happened with the points and go through the above details - speeding fines checker doesn't have any points on the record. But from a bit of googling a refund usually means there is an intent to go to court (perhaps they didn't receive the license details in the post). We are going to email the department to clarify but a couple of specific questions:
1) Any advice on whether the refund, intent to go to court should have some letters to warn her about this?
2) Would the points appear on the online checker given the incident was so long ago even if there is a pending court date?
3) Is it correct that they need to put this before a court within 6 months to prosecute? If so when does the clock start?
4) What do we say to insurers? As far as we know, she has not received a court date, no points recorded online and the fine has been refunded.