To go through the information you provided a line at a time
I am disputing this as the vehicle XXX was most definitely not in this area, let alone being driven at this time.
This could have been worded more constructively.
The vehicle was infact parked at XXX at the time of the alleged offence. This address is the home of my daughter the main driver of this vehicle.
Again, a bit confrontational, it also says your daughter is the main driver, but should have said keeper, I can't see that you provided any details of 'my daughter', also you haven't named all plausibly possible drivers, unless your daughter lives alone and no-one else routinely has access?
The vehicle was driven the first time on this date when my daughter left the
house in the afternoon to attend her 8 week postnatal check at the GP at 13:48. am including a screenshot of the following as evidence:
My daughters Google Maps Location Timeline history on history. The first journey is recorded as leaving her house at 13:48 showing her travel
When it later moved is largely irrelevant and your daughters timeline doesn't prove no-one else was driving at the relevant time. (you called her 'main driver' not 'only usual driver').
- A screenshot from the video Eufy doorbell. This doorbell only captures and records moments where movement is detected rather than continuous recording. The first recording on XXX shows her leaving the property to enter the vehicle in the afternoon. The vehicle is parked the driveway. There are no recordings earlier than 01:34PM as movement was detected.
-Photo of front and rear as the car was at the time of the alleged offence (parked on driveway)
The camera 'evidence' is irrelevant as only 'you' (your daughter in reality I presume) can verbally attest that there was no earlier photo, so it doesn't add any credibility to your version of events that it wasn't moved earlier unless it shows a timeline of movement detected?.
-Photo of front and rear as the car was at the time of the alleged offence (parked on driveway)
Unless they don't tally with the photos of the car detected I'm not sure what help that is - perhaps share the Police and your photos and see if anyone can spot anything. The description is also 'strange' stating it was as it was at the time of the offence (implying something has no changed?) also where you photographed it is meaningless.
I am not certain whether there are any continuous recording Council CCTV cameras at my daughter's location with a view of her driveway. I would request Police to investigate this
Your job, not theirs, they don't need to do anything of the sort, you could have requested the council look at footage under a SAR.