We wish to confirm that SLtd is the hirer and keeper of the vehicle in question
No you are not. The 'keeper' is the registered keeper.
The hirer is the hirer, that's it, the hirer. As a limited company it is axiomatic that the company was not the driver and therefore the only entities here are the keeper, as in registered keeper and we understand the hire company, the hirer and the driver.
Which begs the question: who is the real keeper i.e. the registered keeper because someone has thrown your hat into the ring, but whether you to the lions we've yet to see?
Other questions will follow like where's the PCN and what did the registered keeper do with their PCN, do they qualify as a hire company and you as a hirer under PoFA and did they relieve themselves of their potential liability as specified and was this demanded of you properly?
So to answer the question: Should we use the same text as our appeal for the POPLA appeal or something totally different?, the answer is something different.