Welcome. Don’t use the paper forms if at all possible. You can do the AoS by downloading the N9 response park form here:
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5c45e568ed915d38a0611a61/n9-eng.pdfFill in the details online and type your name for the signature. There is no need to print or scan anything. When you’ve completed it, send the PDF as an attachment to: claimresponses.cnbc@justice.gov.uk and CC yourself. Make sure that you include the claim number in the subject field and simply say in the body of the email to see attached N9 Acknowledgement of Service (AoS) for claim [number] in the case of [PPC (claimant] v [your name] Claim [claim number].
Make sure you receive an auto-response email back from the CNBC which should be almost immediately after you send it. If you don’t receive the auto-response email, keep trying until you do. If necessary, try using a different email agent.
With an issue date of 28th August, you must submit the AoS no later than Monday 16th September. There is nothing to be gained by delaying it. Once the AoS is filed, you then have until 4pm on Monday 30th September to file your defence.
Get the AoS done for now. Once you have confirmed that it has been done, we will assist with a defence.
As this claim has been filed by DCB Legal, there is a 99% likelyhood that
N they will discontinue before any hearing as long as a defence has been filed.