First of all, I should have read here first, but I am where I am.
Driver parked at Bon Marche, 3-23 Suffolk Road Lowestoft, NR32 1DZ on 20/12/23 - this is not in dispute. I personally paid £1 using the pay and display machine, entering the car reg before I did. I am 100% sure we paid. This is a car park I have not used before, there was a gentleman struggling to pay, he tried several pound coins, nothing was working. My son who was with me went to get change for a £5 note, we gave the other gent one of the pound coins and it worked. We then paid for our parking. I am not mistaken, I know we paid.
The driver of the vehicle has been in touch with "Carparkers" and filled in an on line form confirming who was driving (I know, I know). I appealed the charge because I know I paid. I also asked for evidence that my car was not displaying the ticket, I know it was (I didn't keep the ticket unfortunately). They have not responded directly to my question asking why there was no photo of car without the pay and display ticket. My contention is that there is not one because it would have shown my ticket displayed.
I am now at the stage where I have had "final reminder"
I attach scans of the three letters received, also the letter denying my appeal. There is also a "report" showing vehicles that allegedly paid around the same time but guess what, my vehicle not there.
I don't feel I should pay this charge as I know I paid. Any advice appreciated.
Initial PCN and RemindersAnd
Appeal Rejection Letter