Ok, I'll do that today. Thanks
Wait on: draft here first please. PM sent. I will suggest one shortly.
Dear Sirs
Ref: PCN
I make these formal representations against the issue of the PCN:
1. The signage was unclear as it was covered with foliage.
2. If there had been an arrow on the road instructing me to turn right, this would have been more effective.
3. I bring a collateral challenge on the basis that the PCN is unenforceable because the taken without consent ground clearly fetters to theft by its very wording that a crime report be provided. Therefore, this inaccurate reflection of the statutory ground does not take into account that a relative, or friend, may have taken the vehicle without the owner's permission so that the owner would not necessarily, if at all, report the matter to the Police in such circumstances or, indeed, make an insurance claim.
4. I also challenge that the PCN, to my mind, conflates the periods of payment and making representations.
Therefore, in light of the above, please cancel the PCN.
Yours faithfully
Name (Registered keeper)
cp may well not agree with the last point; but, let's see what they say! The TWOC ground has more weight