@Torenaga it's not ideal to only post when the discount period is almost up, as that gives you very little time to get any responses. Sending representations half-baked is not ideal either.
The traffic order is
The GLA Roads and GLA Side Roads (Lambeth) Red Route Consolidation Traffic Order 2007 and the relevant entry would appear to be item 164 on page 46, but the wording seems off:
SOUTH ISLAND PLACE, the south side from a point 7 metres east of the extended western building line of No. 1 to 8 Glenshaw Mansions, South Island Place for a distance of 13 metres in an easterly direction
Glenshaw Mansions is here
https://maps.app.goo.gl/SEZBziEZP97HsdKe6 and I'm not convinced the bay measurements are right. I think you need to go and get some measurements because any discrepancy is going to be too small to prove with google maps.
First, you need to identify the western boundary of Glenshaw Mansions, which I have drawn here with a red line:

you then need to measure a distance of 7 metres towards Brixton Road, as illustrated by the blue line. You want to take this measurement with a tape measure parallel to the wall of Glenshaw Mansions, where the blue line is drawn. Once you find the point 7 metres from the western wall (the red line), you want to check if this is in line with where the bay starts (if it is, a line from the western end of the bay perpendicular to the wall as drawn in yellow above should match the 7 metre measurement).
If the bay does not start at the 7 metre point, you want to take photo to illustrate this.
You also want to measure the length of the bay, as the bay on Google maps appears to be around 15 metres and the car is parked at the eastern end of the bay, so it may well fall outside of the area designated by the traffic order:

There is also the fact that not all of the bay is on a GLA road,
The GLA Side Roads (London Borough of Lambeth) Designation Order 2007 has the following entry at item 2688 on page 32:
SOUTH ISLAND PLACE the south side between its junction with Brixton Road (A23) and a point 7 metres west of the extended common boundary of Nos. 68 Brixton Road and Nos. 1 to 8 Glenshaw Mansions, South Island Place
I'm not quite sure why it's so messed up but that measurement does not include all of the bay, nor does it match the TMO:

To confirm this, I suggest you also measure a point 7 metres west of the extended common boundary of Nos. 68 Brixton Road and Nos. 1 to 8 Glenshaw Mansions, in the image below I have highlighted that boundary in red and the arrow tells you which direction to go in when measuring the 7 metre distance:

Next time you see a TFL CEO, please take a video or photos showing what he's wearing, if their uniform doesn't meet certain requirements that could win the appeal but it's almost impossible to make this argument without photo or video evidence.
I can see you made a representation on the 13th so please show us what you sent.
TFL photos: