Can someone please advise
I know that someone has received a charge for stopping in yellow hatchings. An appeal was made to provide further evidence within the 14 day discount period, evidence was then provided with no explanation and on the website no further updates were made other than stating the the representation submitted was under review and on Hold sus20 enquiry recieved. Then charge certificate was batched and the amount has increased to £240. Having then called it was explained that they did not consider the representation as a representation but took the persons comments into consideration and placed it back on hold. Then further letter was recieved stating that the sum still stands and the representation was never considered as a representation
surely this isn’t right and they should have responded to the person to state this and given them the opportunity to pay the origional fine at the discounted rate? Now there is no opportunity to appeal and only option now is to make a statutory declaration to TEC.
of anyone can advise here, the person is willing to pay the origional fine but seems completely unfair that they were never updated on the website that representation was not accepted or considered a representation
please help