Author Topic: DART Charge certificate final demand  (Read 46 times)

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DART Charge certificate final demand
« on: August 06, 2024, 11:31:00 am »
I went through the DART on 23 June Southbound and forgot to pay the DART charge until 29 June when I paid it immediately and have an emailed receipt. I have just received a Charge Certificate requesting £107.50 - it is the first communication I've had from them. Can somebody advise what to do as it seems very unfair that due to their inefficiencies or Royal Mail's inefficiencies I'm denied an appeal and am being penalised for forgetting (in my 50's and I cant help it).

The notices are on my Google drive link below - hopefully easy to access as the site is full otherwise.

Thanks in advance

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Re: DART Charge certificate final demand
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2024, 12:13:27 pm »
Is the address on the Charge Certificate correct in every way ?? Reason to ask is because DART obtain the name and address from the DVLA and use it for all of the statutory enforcement documents. Yet you don't mention anything about the Penalty Charge Notice, also sent by post to the same address.

No harm will be done by contacting DART to tell them you did not receive the original PCN, and also to tell them you did pay the toll, albeit a few days late.

Two things....
1. You can get the matter reset to the PCN stage by waiting for DART to register the CC at the Traffic Enforcement Centre,(TEC),  and then submit a Witness Statement to TEC that you did not receive the PCN. This is a simple box-ticking exercise, but care is needed when filling in the form to make sure it's not rejected. If you want to take them to the TPT, then it is essential that you submit such a Witness Statement to get back to the PCN, or you cannot register an appeal at the TPT

2. Their PCN and also their management of them came under notice at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal in 2018 and they lost the adjudication. This is quite a complex adjudication, so you need to read it in full, however, I am posting up the relevant text as an extract: -

Adjudicator's Reasons
Mr Moran paid the £3 crossing charge at 23:20 on 14 January 2018, which was a day later than the time required for payment. However, on 19 January 2018 Dart Charge sent him a penalty charge notice stating he should pay either £38 within 14 days or £73 within 28 days.

Mr Moran made representations saying he had paid the crossing charge and produced the
receipt for payment.

Dart Charge rejected the representations saying, “Our investigations show that whilst you did make payment of the RUC in respect of the above contravention, this payment was not made until after midnight on the day following your crossing.” They therefore accepted that the crossing was paid, but they go on to say. “Your late payment(s) will be held as credit against your vehicle for future crossing(s). You must now make payment for the full amount outstanding in respect of the above mentioned PCN(s), including the original road user charge, as shown at
the bottom of this notice.”. The amount payable at the end of the Notice of Rejection is £73.

Regulations 7(3)(g) and (f) require the penalty charge notice to state:
(f) the amount of penalty charge that is payable if the penalty charge is paid in full—
(i) within 14 days of the day on which the penalty charge notice is served;
(ii) after the expiry of such 14 day period but within 28 days of the day on which the penalty charge notice is
(iii) after the service of a charge certificate;
(g) the manner in which the penalty charge must be paid and the address to which payment of the penalty charge
must be sent.

The clear intention is to set out clearly the amount of the penalty charge to be paid, and give equally clear instructions as to how to pay the relevant amount.

While the PCN in this case dealt with the amounts of the penalty charge, according to when
they would be paid, it also stipulated that:
“In addition to the penalty charge you must also pay the applicable road user charge of £3.”
And the PCN further required Mr Moran to pay £38 or £73 (the relevant penalty charge with
£3 added), without an option to pay just the penalty charge.

There is no power in Regulation 7 for the PCN to require the road user charge to be paid in
addition to the penalty charge. Nor is there a power for the charging authority to refuse to
allocate a payment made for a crossing to that crossing, and hold it, possibly indefinitely, for
future use.
(my bold)

It is not in dispute that Mr Moran had paid the £3 crossing charge, as evidenced by his receipt
dated 14 January 2018 for the £3 payment, and accepted by Dart Charge. It is all very well to set out the amounts of the penalty charge, but the impact and effect of the PCN is to demand an amount that is in excess of the penalty charge, and it implies that payment of £38 or £73 is the only amount that will be accepted.

The requirement for Mr Moran to pay the crossing charge in addition to the penalty charge, on both the PCN and NOR, when he had already paid it, amounts to a procedural impropriety on the part of the charging authority (known as Dart Charge). That is a ground of appeal that means that Mr Moran is not liable to pay the penalty charge. He did pay the crossing charge, albeit a day late, so he is not liable to pay that again.

Caroline Sheppard
Chief Adjudicator
So far, as far as we know, this adjudication has never been subsequently challenged by any organisation enforcing PCNs issued under the road user charging regulations.  These include councils with low emission zones, (CAZs). From what we can see these organisations know full well their PCNs are unlawful and have been extremely reluctant to let the matter get to adjudication.

Here are the relevant regulations: -


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Re: DART Charge certificate final demand
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2024, 01:00:18 pm »
Thank you for your response. I did not receive the original PCN at all. I will call DART and see what they say in the first instance.


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Re: DART Charge certificate final demand
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2024, 01:22:57 pm »
I've just had the most appalling conversation with someone who mumbled and slurred and said the best he could do was charge me £37.50. He then said I could appeal on the website. He said the email address was on the letter which it wasn't. I am shocked at his lack of professionalism.

I can however appeal on the website and he said forgetting to pay on time will not work as an appeal.... therefore what should I appeal.....? Will the Charge Certificate be reset to PCN stage? And then what? Are they likely to overturn it on late payment. I've just had my car broken onto and paid out for new window and cant afford all this mess. I used to have an account but as I didn't use it for a year they cancelled it and sent me a PCN while holding onto my money. The whole thing is a nightmare.

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Re: DART Charge certificate final demand
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2024, 01:47:10 pm »
IMO, do not appeal. You don't have a full set of facts i.e. you don't have a PCN to review. As posted below, you are in an ideal position to test their procedures to the full, so don't drop out half way and potentially let them off the hook.

Post the receipt for your payment pl. if you redact any info pl tell us its nature e.g. your name and address, your VRM etc.

PCN issued 3 July;
You have evidence that you paid the road user charge for the crossing in question on 29 June.
The charge certificate states:
'If you pay within        Penalty Charge    Road user charge  Total to pay

14 days of service            £105                  £2.50            £107.50

If you do not pay within 14 days from the date of service you will get a court order.

I wonder what an OfR would state?

You are an ideal guinea pig! Why?

Because you can wait for/there's nothing else to do until you receive the OfR and file a statutory declaration that you did not receive the PCN. We would then see what 'debt' has been registered by DART.

IMO, in general they are entitled to recover the road user charge but not as if it were the penalty charge i.e. not under the same procedure. Hitherto in the procedure it could be argued that DART are just the right side of the line i.e. the 'standard' PCN refers to 'penalty charge' increasing for £105 and that a CC will be issued. But with the CC it states in the context of 'Total to pay'

'If you do not pay within 14 days from the date of service you will get a court order.'.

For £105.00+ £10(debt registration fee), yes. But not £117.50, this would be improper. Using the adjudicator's language payment of the RUC is clearly an implied requirement when in law it may not.

The other issue in your case is that you paid the RUC before the PCN was issued which, if your receipt proves that this should be allocated to your vehicle in respect of this specific crossing, means IMO that no RUC is due. What they might be trying to do is to treat your payment as a credit against a future crossing and still demanding a retrospective payment under the CC.
IMO sharp practice at best, unlawful at worst.

Anyway, you cannot appeal a CC so pl post your receipt pl.

Do not concern yourself about an Order for Recovery. If you submit your Statutory Declaration in time(tick one box, easier than falling off the Dartford bridge) the OfR would be revoked, the CC cancelled and a new PCN issued. See the legal procedure set out here:

But it's your choice.