Hi there, looking for some advice on a PCN I have lost an appeal on.
On Bank Holiday Easter Monday I parked in Zone B on Elm Road in Kingston, in a Pay and Display section of the road.
I checked the Kingston website and it says that Pay and Display areas are not chargeable on bank holidays except for Zones A and A1 and a few roads in Zone B -
https://www.kingston.gov.uk/parking-1/controlled-parking-zones/1When I got back to my car, I had a PCN from the council.
I appealed this, sharing the link and screenshot of the council website, and received a letter failing the appeal. The letter said that parking restrictions still apply on bank holidays.
I decided to wait for a Notice to Owner, and think I should appeal again. Looking for advice on how good my chances are and if there's any particular wording I should use on my appeal.
Images of the original PCN and Notice to Owner here -