Posting on behalf of my daughter (honestly

! ). She's asked me to help her get her head around this - she's worried!
This is slightly hypothetical, but she's panicking.
She already has 9 points - all from NIPs for speeding.
She normally uses the speed limiter on her car since the last time that she got points but yesterday forgot and went past a speed camera van, where she realises she was speeding. (The disadvantage of speed limiters is that it lulls you into a false sense of security if you forget to put it on).
In terms of the offence, if the camera was operational at that moment, it seems an open and shut case.
The questions are more about a driving ban.
I have read that it's a six month ban for speeding except in exceptional circumstances.
Her circumstances are that she lives in a market town around 30 minutes drive from where she works.
There is no alternative transport, so she would certainly lose her job.
She is a single person, owns her own house with a mortgage and would certainly default on the mortgage and most likely lose her house.
Finding alternative employment in her area of experience, accessible without public transport would be very difficult. Most of the few jobs locally in her sector are out of town and inaccessible without public transport and involve unsocial hours. Lower paid jobs in other sectors such as hospitality that are available in her area wouldn't cover her mortgage and council tax.
Her job is a valuable one caring for young people with severe special needs.
So, to the questions:
1. If she gets the letter asking who is the driver, she will know that this is eventually going to go to court. What, in practice, is the normal time scale between receiving the letter, and a court date?
2. Based on any other people's experience, how likely is it that she could avoid or get a reduced ban based on the above info
3. She would need to get a lawyer. She doesnt live near a big city - is that likely to be a problem? and how on earth do you choose a good one?
4. Anyone know a rough ball park figure of what a lawyer will cost?
5. Any other helpful thoughts
I hope all these questions are ok. I've had a read through the forum and gleaned some info but wanted to put the specific circumstances on here for people's thoughts. Thank in advance