I have recently posted more frequently on Pepipoo than I have on here, but I don't really understand why it's still stumbling along. (Except it's stopped stumbling and fallen over again now)
When Pepipoo failed last June,
@cp8759, @Southpaw (and was it @JohnUK) did a great job getting this site up in no time whatsoever. This site is much easier to use, has proper security and is just better all round. It also seems to be reliable.
The problem with Pepipoo is that it's very clunky and there's no security - that's unacceptable today. I referred somebody to Pepipoo from MSE a couple of weeks ago and the first thing they did was come back and say "My browser tells me the site is unsecure and unsafe. Is it really safe to use?"
The other problem - as proven again over the weekend - is that it's unreliable. If the speeding and parking experts are trying to advise posters according to statutary timescales it's no good if the site suddenly disappears for a couple of weeks with no warning and no access to it.
When Pepipoo went down in June I think it took over two weeks for the owner or an administrator to turn up and get it going again - that's no good.
I can sort of understand why some people might have some kind of sentimental attachment to Pepipoo (well no I can't actually - it's just a website) but I don't understand why a couple of established posters seem to have remained exclusively on Pepipoo and not moved over to here.
As Southpaw said previously, people are free to post on either site, both, or neither. But I think it's a great pity if some experienced posters have decide to remain solely on Pepipoo and not share their knowledge on here. Pepipoo could go down again anytime as has happened this weekend. Long term it's going nowhere.