After some advice, laugh at me if you want because I deserve all I get for speeding,
Yesterday I had a moment of stupidity in a new Audi RS4. Clocked the Police Van and slammed my brakes on but when I looked down I was still doing 49 in a 30… think I was clocked way back doing 60+.. I wasn’t driving constantly that speed I had pulled out of a side road and put my foot down abit.
My mums just had Majour cancer surgery, my Nan was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer the same day and then 2 days later I found out I was being made redundant from my dream career I’ve worked years to get… my head is an absolute mess and I’m still trying to process everything that’s happened and now this….
What are the chances of losing my license? I’d happily accept a fine and points as I fully accept i was in the wrong, but I’m so worried I will lose my license. If I do loose my license I wouldn’t be able to get another job in what I do. I could loose everything including my house. 13 years of driving and I’ve never even had a parking ticket let alone a speeding ticket…