... However, you can only attend the course if you respond within 74 days of the date of the offence. Problem is that offence was 3 Jan 2024 but the letter is dated 11 March - already 68 days later !...
As others have asked, where do you get 74 days from?
I did a course last October and in my area you have to have booked, paid for, and successfully completed a course within four months of the offence date. Different police forces may have different cut-off dates but 74 days isn't even three months after 03 January (which would be 90 or 91 days). 74 days isn't a number of weeks either.
If it's possible that you've got this wrong you need to contact the police for confirmation ASAP as to whether you may still be eligible for a course. If it does happen also to be four months in your area, you only have a couple of weeks left to complete the course.
I was lucky because I was able to book, pay for and complete a course in just over a couple of weeks* after a coure was offered. But in some parts of the country I believe there's a pretty long waiting list.
You need to act ASAP.
*In fact I could have done a course within 5 days of one being offered if I hadn.t been otherwise occupied that day. Only online course were on offer when I booked