As the registered keeper of the vehicle, I have received a PCN from I Park alleging that an unpaid parking charge is due.
I have appealed through their web site:
The driver had simply stopped to be able to make a phone call to get directions to their final destination. While they stepped out of the vehicle to check signage and to determine their location for the purposes of conveying that to the other party, they never left the car park during the phone call, and exited the car park as soon as they had finished that phone call.
They have responded:
This appeal has been considered in conjunction with the evidence gathered and our records show that the PCN was correctly issued as your vehicle was parked in breach of the Terms and Conditions of Parking.
Their standard response letter goes on:
Prior to leaving the vehicle it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure the 'pay and display' ticket is clearly on display and not dislodged or that the vehicle has been successfully recorded on the electronic system.
(my emphasis)In hindsight, I can see that I could have worded my response better, noting that the driver had stopped to check signage, and having seen the signage they decided not to park there, which then led them to make the phone call.
I Park have now told me that I can either pay the £60 or appeal through IAS (Independent Appeals Service).
I contend that the driver did not actually leave the vehicle, as they were no more than a few metres from it at all times, checking signage and location, so my lay reading is that no parking charge is due.
What further information would you need in order to be able to guide me as to my best next action?