It appears that upon parking and entering the building the driver missed a sign that according to the restuarsant is by the door that explains the car park is P&D,
as there were people stood in the doorway that distracted the driver they did not notice the sign, nor did they notice a sign that was placed at the entry to the car park claiming that the sign is for "haverster guest only and authorised vehicles only"
looking on google maps i can access the carpark and looking aorund myself the only other sign states that the carpark is for havester guests and authorised vehicles only, and doesnt appear to be lit which would explain why this was missed by the driver when entering the carpark.
images attached below of PCN and the Sign on entering the car park, i will attempt to visit the restuarant and get a photo of the sign by the door myself at a later date.
Would i be correct in contacting the PCP and Relaying the drivers recollections to them?