The driver parked in a pay on exit car park in Bicester on Saturday (31/8) afternoon. Upon leaving the driver attempted to pay using the pay machines in the car park but was unable to as they go an error message on the machine and a 'void transaction receipt' on Cherwell District Council till roll. The driver has retained this receipt.
The driver has today finally got through to Cherwell District Council who advised the driver that the car park is operated by Apcoa, despite the till roll receipt being on Cherwell DC logoed paper.
Obviously, the driver has failed to pay for the parking and was advised by the Council customer services to go onto the Apcoa website to try and pay for it. This the driver attempted but the website reported that the date was too old to pay online.
The driver was advised by the Council to now ring Apcoa to sort this out and a phone number was provided. The driver has e mailed a copy of the receipt to the Council but has NOT telephoned Apcoa.
No paperwork has been received by either the driver or the vehicle registered keeper.
Should a pro-active call be made to Apcooa to try and sort this out or should everyone wait until some paperwork is received?
Thanks in advance for the help.