The reason I backed off and didn't answer lately is due to the fact that I did not come here to be judged by anyone, or to be called names. Looking back at the messages just now, some were less than kind or helpful. Let alone supportive. And I am still amazed how many people think they know exactly what the law says, while being totally misguided and giving ill informed advice. This only leads to other people bowing their heads in front of injustice, because they didn't know their true rights.
When I posted this and said I needed 'help', I meant I was looking for actual, practical help to deal with the situation, and not 'I think you should be doing this, because this is what I would do if I were you': rosywillow getting my thanks here, as she was one on point, every time.
Thank you all for your advice, no matter whether it was based on actual law or just influenced by TV shows, hear say or any other questionable sources. I know you all meant well, so it is appreciated nevertheless.
As for the curious minds? I won't torture you much longer and rest assured I will update this thread in due time, once I have more details, so we can all learn from this experience. For the time being I will not engage in any further speculations about what may or may not happen. All that matters is that one should stick to his guns and follow his conscience, no matter what. The truth will prevail in the end, always.
For the time being, I will leave you with the immortal words of a great, wise man:
He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know.
Lao Tzu