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Forgot to post this to the site.
Newham Council’s explanation for the no show at the tribunal.

 ;D  ;D  ;D
Civil penalty charge notices (Councils, TFL and so on) / Re: Brent PCN
« Last post by Rudeboyz on Today at 09:15:22 am »
Finally, after nearly 7 months, this PCN has been resolved.

 :)  :)  :)
Private parking tickets / Re: PCN Norwich for failure to display
« Last post by Jimbob1976 on Today at 08:21:53 am »
Sorry it was early and I didn't explain myself properly. I meant, if they appeal this and it's rejected, based on the dates it could possibly go over the 28 days therefore liable for the extra £40. Is that correct or would the timer reset and they have another 28 days because of the appeal?
Private parking tickets / Incorrect arrival time on Penalty notice
« Last post by Wildon on Today at 06:23:30 am »
I have received a penalty notice from Saba Parking which said I arrived in the car park at 7.45am and overstayed the 20 minute time limit.  I appealed and asked for photographic evidence that I arrived at this time and I was sent a photo of my car at 8.22am.  I asked again for evidence of arrival time and the appeal got sent to the railway compamy who's land it was.  I sent my appeal through to them as I know I didn't arrive at 7.45am, but their response was "We are sure our operator followed the correct procedure so the penalty still stands"
Please can anyone help as they have now closed my appeal and said I have to pay it even though I wasn't there at the tie on the ticket and there is no evidence that I was.
Private parking tickets / Re: PCN Norwich for failure to display
« Last post by Jimbob1976 on Today at 05:39:41 am »
Thanks for the indepth response. No, I hadn't looked into it other than the pic I posted.

Are these the enforceable type of charges o assume? Would they also need to be prepared to pay the higher fine if the appeal is unsuccessful?

I'll get them to send the letter today, what would be when next move?
I don't think you can do anything apart from pay, looking at your narrative, and the documents. The Notice to Owner has been ignored, so the council have, after the statutory interval, served a Charge Certificate. The option to submit reps against the Notice to Owner has expired, (you have 28 days from its service to submit them).

You can submit a Witness Statement when the council register the debt at the Traffic Enforcement Centre, (the 'court') and serve an Order for Recovery. One of the reasons on the form is "I did not receive the PCN" which seems to fit your circumstances.
The OfR and CC will be cancelled, and you can then appeal or pay the NtO.
You now submit your representations again, but please post up your draft here so we can review it and maybe add in a few suggested things. When/If they reject these reps, you can register an appeal at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal, which costs nothing extra.
Private parking tickets / Re: Overstayed Parking
« Last post by Muhammad on Today at 01:06:59 am »
Hi the horizon parking has rejected my appeal stating the reason that there are clear signs of overstayed parking upon the entrance and within the parking .What you guys suggest me to do now..Please guide me
I have attcahed the link below
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