I've said it all in my draft letter. The scans are here:
https://www.google.com/maps/@51.5405375,-0.142168,3a,90y,68.9h,78.49t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s5WjcFh-JYaeuzimHtaKigw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fcb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26pitch%3D11.509491520105101%26panoid%3D5WjcFh-JYaeuzimHtaKigw%26yaw%3D68.89729515006772!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAwOC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3DDraft letter:
I received a PCN because Camden Council had recently changed the parking hours for the bay I was parked in.
I have been parking in this same bay on average at least once a week for more than 20 years, and had no reason to believe that my car was parked in a bay that required payment at that time. There were no warning signs at any point that bring it to the motorist’s attention that the parking hours have changed. Further, the parking signage is at the far end of the bay, more than 20 metres from my car.
Having checked on Camden Council’s website, I see that I can download a PDF map from the
following URL:
https://www.camden.gov.uk/documents/20142/4207063/CPZ-Web+(1).pdfThis map shows that the parking hours of the CPZ CA-F(n) are between 08:30 and 18:30. This is incorrect, as according to the CPZ signage the parking hours have been extended to 23:00.
Further, I can see that on the page that covers Residents, Paid for parking, Pay by Phone, Shared-Use bays traffic orders for zone CA-F:
https://www.camden.gov.uk/cpz-orders#avwsthe Traffic Management Order displays the times for this bay (10560) as “MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8.30AM - 6.30PM, SATURDAY, SUNDAY: 9.30AM - 5.30PM”.
The council have therefore provided contradictory messaging on their website to the signage and this is a procedural impropriety. I therefore ask you to cancel this PCN.
Notes / questions:
My observation about the CPZ is possibly off-topic, but the restricted hours of the CPZs always seem to be aligned with the hours of the parking bays and motorists should be able to rely on this as a guide.
Another point I could raise is that repeater signs should be every 30 metres, and the spirit of that law is that no car will be further than 15m from a sign. My car is 20m from that sign and according to Greenslade in Antonio Prendi v London Borough of Camden (2100346960, 30 September 2010), "motorists cannot be expected to traipse the streets looking for signs".
I expect Camden will probably reject, and it will go to London Tribunals.
Any advice before sending?