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A hearing is fairly relaxed although strictly a judicial proceeding. You may elect for a telephone or personal hearing. It is unlikely that the authority would be present and would rely solely on their written submissions - the evidence bundle you've got.

You don't make speeches, you present your case in writing in advance and the adjudicator may ask questions by way of verification/clarification.
The video shows you entering the box behind a moving vehicle that then stops beyond the box leaving you with insufficient room to exit the box. As far as I can see the contravention is made out.

This is a well-known location for people getting PCNs and appeared fairly regularly in the now-defunct Pepipoo forum. 7 seconds is unlikely to be regarded as de minimis, certainly not by TfL, and I doubt by an adjudicator at London Tribunals.

Can you please post-up the PCN as already requested. Also it might be prudent to find out when/if they have sent a response to your representations.  Can you please post your reps as well.

There are flaws in TfL management of the enforcement process, but people more up-to-speed on this aspect should be contributing soon, but please help us to help you by posting all the documents. All you have to redact is name and address.

The extract from the TfL PCN status enquiry shows reps rejected. The amount showing is £160 which is the full PCN penalty. This will increase by 50% if you don't pay the £160 when they serve a Charge Certificate making the amount £240. You could register an appeal at London Tribunals before the CC is served. However, I don't think you have a winning case, to be honest, but see what the others say.
I have read through the post you linked, thank you for your reply. Please find scans of the PCN in full which I paid today below.

Please note so far I have only been issued with this PCN so far, however I expect more in the post (5 in total all to Heathrow Airport, both Terminals 3 and 5). Not sure if it's relevant but I am not the registered keeper a mamber of my family is.

I'll take photos and video tomorrow.

I have private messaged you regarding the other mitigating circumstances.
Private parking tickets / Re: Compliance - Protection of Freedoms Act
« Last post by clintaugh on Yesterday at 10:41:03 pm »
Appreciate your view, but IMO some of the terminolgy was a bit heavy.  We all have our own style of presentation and not a criticism of yours, but if I am communicating I will use my own.   I do have a degree of experience with small claims, tribunals and appeals; albeit a novice when it comes to parking regulations.  Certainly no love and kisses at the end; perhaps more succint, but same message. :)
So here:

Can you get us updated photos of the signage? A brief video would also be helpful.

Is there any mitigation worth mentioning, especially anything unrelated to the contravention? A failure to consider can make for an easy win.

One obvious issue is that the notice doesn't specify what turn is prohibited (left, right or u-turn).

Also the council website is a joke, the ground of appeal are all either missing or wrong:

Private parking tickets / Re: Compliance - Protection of Freedoms Act
« Last post by mickR on Yesterday at 09:51:57 pm »
See my earlier response, which is self explanatory!
didn't see it.
Just wanted to know if anyone has looked into this case please? I'm conscious of time as it is coming up to 14 days.
Tagging @cp8759

Many thanks
Then if I don't get it after 6 months what happens? Does it automatically get cancelled?  :D  :D  :D  :D
Talking of 28 days beginning on.....IMO for a NOR dated 22 July the earliest date for increasing the penalty was 20 Aug, not 21st as stated in the written decision!
The penalty cannot increase until day 29, so 21st August is the correct date.

Perhaps a speculative appeal for costs might be in order?
No chance, if I thought there were the remotest possibility I would have applied.
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