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Messages - Hippocrates

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 177
Verbatim as per my original play.

Put them to strict proof that they have a VCA  certificate.



Just looked:

The amount outstanding on the Penalty Charge Notice will increase to £130.00 on Mon, 3 Mar 2025. Please pay £65.00 now.

That date is clearly wrong. I make it 27th February. Although we are now losing cases on the served/occurred argument, in this context it might fly?

Serendipity: 2240362722. There is also the multiple choice issue; but I tried that some months ago too.

Sounds good to me.

I've updated my post - hopefully I didn't miss anything
All the PCN please.

This issue has already been reviewed and decided upon by an adjudicator at London Tribunals in case reference 224038612A, regarding PCN ZN12830954. The adjudicator ruled that the PCN was invalid and ordered Haringey Council to cancel it.

There has been no review! But, they did send a charge certificate after the hearing!

The Flame Pit / Re: Humour thread
« on: Today at 10:35:55 am »
There was this poor chap who suffered continuously with an awful pain in his right shoulder. This affected his work and his marriage.

He tried absolutely all channels of medical exploration to no avail: the GP, the physiotherapist and, as a last resort, an expensive osteopath, by which time his marriage was over and he was about to lose his job.

His one last hope was, as the osteopath advised, to see a chiropractor. The man replied: "You must be joking. I can't afford the flight!"

Where is the whole of the PCN? Otherwise.........

This:  Just send it.

The PCN wrongly states which action triggers the period in which the council may serve a charge certificate: “If the Penalty Charge is not paid before the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the date of service of this notice an increased charge of £195.00 maybe payable. We may then send you a Charge Certificate.” The law states at Schedule 1 5:

1)Where a penalty charge notice is served on any person and the penalty charge to which it relates is not paid before the end of the relevant period, the enforcing authority may serve on that person a statement (in this paragraph referred to as a “charge certificate”) to the effect that the penalty charge in question is increased by 50 per cent.

(2)The relevant period, in relation to a penalty charge notice is the period of 28 days beginning—

(a)where no representations are made under paragraph 1 above, with the date on which the penalty charge notice is served;

The Flame Pit / Re: Humour thread
« on: Yesterday at 04:50:35 pm »
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm a Gemini,
And so am I.

:-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-* 

Happy Valentine's Day  :D

The Flame Pit / Re: Humour thread
« on: Yesterday at 02:09:46 pm »
The fact that some people do not know the difference between entomology and etymology bugs me in ways that I cannot put into words.

Jeff Goldblum had dinner with Suzie Dent one evening. He had a fly in his soup and she had a bookworm in hers.

They are working on it!

Put in the same and explain that the issue of several PCNs is disproportionate for what is essentially a repeated alleged contravention.  I am helping another member who has 8.

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