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Messages - dj.esco

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Thanks for the response b789, appreciate the advice.

Ok, will send this over to them via their appeals portal and record all submissions.

Thanks again and will update on the response.

Hi all,
The driver of the vehicle illustrated in the links below received a Notice to keeper from UKPC in regards to an alleged offence of 'not being parked correctly within the markings of a bay or space'at Great Western Industrial Park, Armstrong Way , Southall. I have attached links to images of the notice received and would like to ask for advice on whether this is an enforceable notice?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Dear all,
I have received a PCN for an alleged offence from Ealing council - 50JR, turning right off the Uxbridge Rd into Chapel Rd. It is supported by photographic and supposed video evidence. My issue is with the signage as I was genuinely unaware that this is a prohibited action and only after revisiting the site have I seen there is some signage on the Uxbridge rd, opposite and prior to the entry at Chapel rd yet no signage actually entering Chapel rd, solely for the no stopping restriction sign.

I have provided images of the signage layout as well as the PCN below:

What I would like to know is whether I have a case for appeal based on the above mentioned signage layout. I genuinely did not see the signage especially as I turned left onto Uxbridge rd from the B452. I am aware by searching the internet that appeals for this contravention at this location have been successful in the past.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi all,
As an update, Hounslow council have replied and stated that they do not accept my appeal and will go ahead with enforcing the fine or court should I appeal.
Below is the link for the redacted letter received from them:

Any advice and guidance on the next steps would be greatly appreciated. I intend to fight this as I do not see that their reasoning is valid or just. I have 28 days from the 11th May to respond.

Hi cp8759,
Thanks for the above, I will get the appeal in via the online portal as suggested. Is it advisable to submit my photo evidence of the tariff board at this point also?

Hi there, just adding the redacted copy of the NtO that has been sent to me, appreciate any help with this.

Hi all, so finally the Notice to owner has turned up in the post for the above discussed ticket from Nov 2023. Any advice on the next steps would be much appreciated.

Hi all,
Received a response today in regards to my appeal (image links below, 2 pages).
They say my appeal is invalid because of the following:

There is a sign where you parked that explains that the bay you parked in is for people with a
You were given a PCN for parking without a permit that was both valid and clearly displayed.
Even if you have a permit, you have to display it so that a Civil Enforcement Officer can see all
its details.
You were parked in a bay for people with a permit. Paying to park by phone or online is not
usable here; it is only usable in bays where the signs say that it can be used.

As mentioned and shown on my original photos from the day, at no point does it state on the tariff board or the ticket machine that there are designated bays for certain types of permits. I double checked this when I parked (I hadn't noticed the sign post behind the bay I parked in until after the photos were disclosed).

Any advice on the next step would be appreciated - I feel that I must be able to contest this based on the tariff board alone.

Thank you very much for the above - appeal lodged and submission data recorded. Will update as and when, thanks.

No, I've not sent off anything yet - yes, please help with a draft in that case!

Thanks for the input guys.

My thinking was the similar after I had seen the images and then revisited my pictures of the tariff board.

My appeal will be along the lines of "I believe I have not contravened any parking rules based on the fact I had a valid ticket to cover my vehicle from time XX to YY and adhered to all requirements as stated on the tariff board. At no point does it state on the tariff board that a PCN is incurred by parking in a Friends of Boston Manor signposted bay but rather a PCN is incurred by 1.Failing to display a valid parking ticket or disabled badge, 2.Not parking within a bay, 3.Allowing your ticket to be used another person. I have satisfied all 3 of these requirements."

Will keep you updated on how I get on.

Noticed the small images i got from copying and pasting from their viewer were a little blurry - these screen shots may be better:

Any input appreciated, thanks!

Hi there, as an update, logged in to make an appeal and viewed the images. The images (PSB) the enforcement officer has taken include 2 that show a sign stuck in the ground stating "reserved for friends of Boston Manor permit only". I do not recall seeing this sign on parking but the images show them clearly.

Is there still grounds for appeal here?

Thanks cp8759,
Will make the appeal today and keep you updated via this thread.

Hi all,
New to the forum so 'Hello@ and was invited to post my issue on here.

I receieved a PCN, contravention 85 - not displaying or purchaing a virtual ticket, bu London Borough of Hounslow yesterday even though I had purchased online and have evidence in my app history and via email. The PCN is timed at 11:08 when it can clearly be seen I purchase parking for 1 hour from 11:01 to 12:01.

Is this a straight forward appeal or do I need to consider other forms of appeal, please advise.

Below are the images and link to my orginal Pepipoo thread to avoid duplication of information should anyone require it:

Any advice greatly appreciated!

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