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Messages - d612

Pages: [1] 2
Speeding and other criminal offences / Re: NIP for 24mph in a 20mph.
« on: January 30, 2025, 08:13:14 pm »
Those are average speed cameras not specific cameras for speeding at one place.
So while one might be at the entrance off the roundabout there will be another (s) further down the road to work out your average speed over the distance.

Streetview ofthe camera/pole on the pavement

The Flame Pit / Re: Online database for NIPs or S172
« on: January 15, 2025, 11:16:39 am »
The DVLA might be (slowly) heading in this sort of direction.

You can now set up a "DVLA drivers account" whereupon your cars, to which you are the registered keeper at the same address as your DVLA licence, can be added by you to the account.
You can also opt in to only get the annual vehicle tax notification by email. I tried deliberately leaving it till the last day to retax the car and got several reminders by email and text - so it certainly works.

I can see the OP's suggestion being another sensible step in the process.

Mind you there is already a problem with email's being missed by those getting lots of them as the scroll off the first page. I manage a small association and have found that annual subscrition notices delivered by post have a far higher payment rate than annual sub's notices delivered by email.

News / Press Articles / Another success in the news
« on: January 15, 2025, 11:10:34 am »
Ok I know it's the D.Mail, but here is the link.
The essence of the story is that it took so long for the driver to register for the app and pay that he was stuffed with a parking penalty - which he took to court and won having offered a reduced sum at mediation which was refused.

Private parking tickets / Re: UKPC fine for parking on red lines
« on: January 03, 2025, 05:50:32 pm »
Location appears to be here

All I can find of relevance from Google Street view taken a little way back from the above view at the entrance where the double yellows (on presumably the public road) change to double reds is a sign saying Permit holders only and directs drivers to see the signs in carpark for detailed T&C's.

Non-motoring legal advice / Re: GDPR/DPA Question
« on: December 21, 2024, 08:06:51 pm »
They are keeping data on someone which is outside the scope of normal household & personal activities - in this case running a business as a landlord as being the executor/personal representative, so I'd say yes GDPR(UK) does indeed apply to them.

I gather she was on Radio 2's Jeremy Vile slot at 12pm yesterday.
No idea if the broadcast slot was only this case or parking penalties in general with this case highlighted

Speeding and other criminal offences / Re: Wrong location on NIP
« on: November 10, 2024, 05:25:04 pm »
Well I would have thought it was fairly simple "IF" they are two seperate locations

Suppose the the person was caught doing excess speed on the said C class rural road while the NIP/172 notice requested that the registered owner divulge the name of the driver on the "High Street" which is at another town some miles away.

The driver can truthfully reply that while they were on the roads driving at that point at no time were they on the High Street location/time stated on the 172 notice.  The last similar one we saw on here I recall was in Wales where the locations were way off by umpteen 10's of miles.  At that point I would have thought the Police would quietly drop it. 
I'm sure others on here can advise on the legality of the police instead then saying - oh yes, sorry that 172 notice was a load of rubbish - here is another one.

Speeding and other criminal offences / Re: Wrong location on NIP
« on: November 10, 2024, 02:23:10 pm »
Many roads can be labelled as either.

The B4445 in Thame Oxfordshire is also called Park Street
The (Dreadful) Botley Rd in Oxford is actually the A420.

It is possible that the Camera van had not updated its location data from its last position (seen on here before) so in this case maybe the mobile van was previously on the High Street of some town and then moved to the C class road location but did not change the label.

If indeed they are totally different positions and the C Class road is not just another label for the high street in question you should have a getout clause for proceedural errors in the NIP.

The Flame Pit / Re: DVLA sending me a cheque!
« on: November 05, 2024, 07:22:57 pm »
All of the old mainstream banks will let you pay in a cheque via their mobile apps - that being Barclays, Lloyds, Natwest and HSBC. No idea about the others.

DVLA are gradually setting up drivers user accounts. These hold your licence details and you can add your cars onto your account provided they are registered to your same address as the licence.  I guess eventually all this sort of thing will be done online with you registering your payment info and getting charged/refunds to it.
You can already with it set up email reminders about VED on your cars and choose to stop gettign the paper form sent to you.

Tennat Street looks like being a strange road which is actually just a back entrance to a shopping mall plaza from following it on street view. So it seems unlikely that the OP entered the roundabout from there.

Thanks. What makes a crossing legal?

You may only move across the stop line when the lights are on red if personally directed to do so by a police officer in uniform.

Where I live there are a set of traffic lights on a urban dual carriageway with no way around them for the emergency services. It is relativly common to see traffic stopped at the red lights with no intention of moving under any circumstances and behind them is a police, fire or ambulance vehicle with lights etc blaring and no one moves.....until they change to green.

Looks like the photos are of the other end of the Penzance Drive bus only road.
Seen here in the streetview link from the entry to that bus access only road
The camera position is further up the bus road looking back towards the public access road - Rodbourne road B4289

Its perfectly legal to use the phone provided it is in a fixed cradle. It's the "hand held/phone in your hand" bit while driving that creates the offence.

That said, I'm sure there are some other catch-all legislation somewhere that would cover an offence if you were excessively interacting with the phone while it WAS in a cradle such to be driving without due care and attention to the road. The cradle must also not obscure your view of the road.

There are also exclusions for hand held use covering making emergency calls and for paying for something via the phone's NFC facility in a "drive through" type retail outlet.

See the no entry signs to non-bus traffic in street view on the approach instructing all other traffic to turn left.

and again thanks to google street view at the actual point of the bus gate

Its their public shared folder they have put the pictures on no need to register

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