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Messages - TrixBear

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I already submitted before the suggestions today so I didn't tell them to 'see attached' in the letter but I did upload them. Will see what they say and keep you updated.

Thanks all.

Thank you both for your feedback and tips, I've incorporated your suggestions. Which of these drafts should I send?

Dear London Borough of Hackney,

I have parked on a disabled bay and I have displayed my valid Blue Badge which is clearly displayed from the windscreen as shown in the CEO's photographs.

I forgot to make an informal challenge questioning the PCN but I'm assuming it was because I did not display the parking clock.

I did not display my parking clock as I was in a rush to attend an appointment. However, according to the Disabled Person’s (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000, this is not a requirement when parking in a disabled bay.

Regulations 11 and 12 of the Disabled Person’s (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000 sets out the requirements for the display of a Blue Badge. There is no reference in the Regulations to a parking clock or disc.

The only reference to a disc or clock is in the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England) Regulations 2000 where it must be displayed in circumstances where the display of the badge provides an exemption from a yellow line waiting restriction (see Regulation 8).

Therefore, no contravention has occurred and the PCN must be cancelled.



Dear London Borough of Hackney,

I have parked on a disabled bay and I have displayed my valid Blue Badge which is clearly displayed from the windscreen as shown in the CEO's photographs.

I forgot to make an informal challenge questioning the PCN but I'm assuming it was because I did not display the parking clock.

I did not display my parking clock as I was in a rush to attend an appointment. However, according to the Disabled Person’s (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000, this is not a requirement when parking in a disabled bay.

Regulations 11 and 12 of the Disabled Person’s (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000 sets out the requirements for the display of a Blue Badge. There is no reference in the Regulations to a parking clock or disc.

The only reference to a disc or clock is in the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England) Regulations 2000 where it must be displayed in circumstances where the display of the badge provides an exemption from a yellow line waiting restriction (see Regulation 8).

In the similar appeal cases of ‘Miss Michelle Dhillon - v - Leicester City Council’ (2019) and ‘Mr William Watson - v - St Helens Council’ (2020), the adjudicator used these grounds to rule the alleged parking contravention did not occur.

Therefore, no contravention has occurred in this instance either and the PCN must be cancelled.


The details on my V5C all look correct and I've also now received the Notice to Owner in the post:

How is this for a draft representation letter?

Dear London Borough of Hackney,

I have parked on a disabled bay and I have displayed my valid Blue Badge which is clearly displayed from the windscreen as shown in CEO's photographs.

I did not display my parking clock as I was in a rush to attend an appointment. However, according to the Disabled Person’s (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000, this is not a requirement when parking in a disabled bay.

Regulations 11 and 12 of the Disabled Person’s (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000 sets out the requirements for the display of a Blue Badge. There is no reference in the Regulations to a parking clock or disc.

The only reference to a disc or clock is in the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England) Regulations 2000 where it must be displayed in circumstances where the display of the badge provides an exemption from a yellow line waiting restriction (see Regulation 8 ).

Therefore, no contravention has occured and the PCN must be cancelled.


Case References:

Miss Michelle Dhillon - v - Leicester City Council

Mr William Watson - v - St Helens Council

Great, that's what I thought. :)

Ok, that's done! *Fingers crossed* Thanks again for your help, I'll update with how it goes.

Will do, thanks! Do I select the contravention didn't occur or mitigating circumstances?

Ah, ADHD got in the way of me chasing this up sooner! Thanks for the cases.

It's a Motability car so it's dual registered to both me and the Motability fleet code. Motability holds the V5C and I've requested a copy which I'll receive in 3 days, but the details should be correct.


Is anyone able to advise me on this PCN, please? It's been over 28 days since the date on the letter (4th November) and I'm worried they will soon issue a charge certificate increasing the fine to £240. :-\

I can't really afford that amount, so if you don't think I have any grounds of appeal then I'd rather just quickly pay the £160 before that happens.

Please let me know what you think,

Thanks so much for your time and support.

Just to add; according to Hackney Council's PCN Portal, it's now at the Notice to Owner stage with the fine due to increase to £195.00 on Sun, 12 Jan 2025. I have not yet received the NTO though.


Just wondering if anyone has found the relevant cases yet, or should I just send in Daim456's suggested letter of representation without them?

Thanks for your time!

Just had confirmation that this PCN has been cancelled! :D Thanks all for your help!

Hey everyone, it's me again.. They say things happen in threes, so I really hope this is the last of them now!   :-\

This contravention is for stopping on a red route on Upper Clapton Road. I genuinely thought I could park because of the ‘max 3 hours’ disabled sign and hadn't realised the other time restriction (between 10am-4pm) also applied to blue badge holders. I was only there for around 10-15 minutes while I collected an item from an address opposite and returned a book to the library. Both my clock and badge were clearly displayed.

I would really appreciate your help to see if I could appeal this.


PCN and photo evidence:

Thank you so much for your time.

We've had a number of battles with councils on using the clock in a time-limited bay. Point is bays for general parking don't require a clock.

This is a 3 hour bay - when did you park and leave? PCN time is 16:30.

So don't pay - one of us will dig out cases on this.

Thank you both, seems like it's pretty disgraceful targeting of 'easy targets' from councils.  >:( It's great to hear I have a chance at appeal though!

I arrived 14:55 and left about 16:40/16:45, well within the 3 hour time restriction.

The cases would be helpful, so I'll wait for those before drafting up my representation.

Thanks again. :)

Hey all,

On 4th November, outside Hackney Service Centre on Hillman Street, I received a PCN for parking in a disabled bay without displaying a disabled person’s badge in the prescribed manner.
I did display the blue badge but not the clock.

I go for an appointment there every 1-2 weeks but I don’t remember noticing the time restriction or displaying my clock before. I've probably just been lucky not to get fined until now as I’ve checked on Google Maps Street View and the time restrictions are clearly displayed.

I suspect I’ll have to pay; however, I thought I’d better check here first! Can anyone see a way to challenge this before I make the payment?
I have just noticed the PCN hasn't been signed by the Civil Enforcement Officer, if that helps..?

PCN and council photos:

Many thanks for your time and advice.

Sorry, I just went to make my representations online and now I have another question.

The form asks me to complete a field stating whether I'm the driver, keeper, driver and keeper, or incorrectly registered keeper. This was a hire car so I tried selecting 'driver', but I'm met with an error message saying 'Sorry but only the keeper can make a challenge'.

How do I proceed? The hire company have transferred liability to me, so do I count as both the driver and keeper in this scenario?

Screenshots here:

Thanks once again for your assistance!

I think I've figured it out if this distinction is correct: "if you hire/lease a car, the lessor/hire company are the "registered keeper" and you are the day to day "keeper".

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