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Messages - FuzzyDuck

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Where he resides should have no bearing on whether he is offered a course or not, it's where the offence is committed that matters.

Speeding and other criminal offences / Re: Close Pass
« on: August 31, 2024, 10:13:41 am »
I was least 1.5 m away from rider but snap shot looks closer as lens are wide angle.
i have pleaded not guilty by post and have asked for footage from the police do they have to release footage for my defense as i have had no reply only new court date in feb.
sorry if i cant write great posts as im dyslexic and have had a stroke. its my wife who was driving on that day.
thank you

Big red flag here, so do you mean your wife has pleaded not guilty?

You might want to delete the bits before "Hello I'm a bit puzzled".

Speeding and other criminal offences / Re: NIP Location error
« on: August 26, 2024, 09:20:00 pm »
My point is that where I was pinged is not in Little Whinging, it outside the boundary of the village which I can prove using GPS. Therefore the NIP is wrong but does it matter???
The location doesn't have to be that exact. Anyway, the camera van was inside the village limits and they think you were too. Unless you can prove otherwise.

Speeding and other criminal offences / Re: NIP Location error
« on: August 25, 2024, 07:55:39 pm »
Usually as art of the session setup, the operator will measure the distance from the start of the limit change (assumed to be at the terminal sign). So if, as you say, the limit change is 100 yards away, any "ping" at a distance beyond that should be ignored.

So have you access to any pictures of the offence? Many forces make them readily available, they should show the distance from the operator when the speed was measured.

Ok fill in the form and send it back. No way to appeal? I'm guessing it must have been an average speed camera.

You can't appeal a NIP, once you send back the request to name the driver, you will be offered a speed awareness course or a conditional offer of a Fixed Penalty. You either accept the course or CoFP, or you let the matter go to court. At court you would then have the chance to defend the charge but I'm not sure you have anything that would allow you to do that.

If you tell us where on the A20 the offence is alleged, it would help.

From the photos it looks like an average speed camera setup, so lines on the road (or lack of) won't help you. The scan is of such a poor quality I can't read any of the text to confirm what the photos are showing.

What is interesting about this is that you either pay or plead your case in a court. There is no offer of a speed awareness course. Is this normal?
Perfectly normal, 43 in 30 is 1 MPH too fast for a course.

Speeding and other criminal offences / Re: Speeding M6 NIP
« on: August 13, 2024, 09:54:34 am »
Depends on what the images show.
Not sure if my original link works as that has all the links to the stills.
No one but you should be using the logon sent to you from the police to view the images. However if the camera is a HADECS3 (as it is the M6), it won't be possible to calculate the speed from the images.

Speeding and other criminal offences / Re: S172 NIP
« on: August 10, 2024, 03:00:55 pm »
The Pepipoo article regarding loud music is comedy gold. So unless you had a metal plate connected to to a speaker in an open boot, I wouldn’t try that defence in court.

My point stands, if they had 6 points when the insurance offence was committed, and they fail to convince the court not to award another 6 points, totting will occur.

Having just checked my license 3 points have been removed as they have expired so I currently have 3 points for speeding.
That doesn't affect anything regarding totting up, if the court awards you 6 points for the insurance offence, then at the point the offence occurred you would have had 6 points. Therefore totting up comes into play. The fact that 3 points dropped off before conviction occurred is irrelevant.

Clearly a still from a video, they will have a continuous recording between the "ping" and the point the VRM can be read.

Can I make a criminal complaint against my wife's actions?
No. Well technically you can but the police will not be interested.

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