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Messages - Sunshineoncov

Pages: [1]
Private parking tickets / Re: PCN Euro car park Nottingham
« on: July 18, 2024, 07:45:47 pm »
This was in Nottingham city Centre in a Euro Car Park.
I assume they own their own multi story car park.

Private parking tickets / PCN Euro car park Nottingham
« on: July 18, 2024, 03:54:27 pm »
The car park attendant put my details in the pay machine when the app wasn’t working. I paid but then received a PCN for ‘no valid payment’ as it turned out the attendant only put the first half of the car registration in. I told him my full registration several times.
I appealed and they declined, same with POPLA.
5 debt recovery letters received asking for £170.
A letter from ZZPS last week and then GCTT this morning stating it’ll be passed to solicitors.
I don’t know if I can appeal to GCTT?

Private parking tickets / Re: PCN for parking outside of the parking bay
« on: February 28, 2024, 05:07:30 pm »
Any advice on my next steps? My appeal was rejected with the following:

Thank you for your appeal against the above Parking Charge Notice (PCN). We have carefully considered your appeal, however on this occasion the appeal has been rejected for the following reason;
Whilst we note the comments and reason for appeal, as per our photographic evidence, the vehicle was parked in contravention of the advertised terms and conditions. As the vehicle was not parked fully within a bay, we can confirm that this PCN has been issued correctly.
You have now reached the end of our internal appeals procedure and therefore you now have two options; you can either pay or appeal to POPLA - you cannot do both:
You can pay the total amount due as shown above via the following payment options;
Call us on: 01302 513232
Pay online:
Send a postal order: Premier Park Ltd, PO Box 624, Exeter, EX1 9JG
Or, you can appeal to an Independent Appeals Service, POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals) using the POPLA reference code provided above. Please note, should you decide to appeal to POPLA and your appeal is subsequently rejected or you withdraw your appeal, the option to pay a discounted amount will no longer be available and the full amount of the PCN will become due. Please note, if you pay the PCN prior to appealing to POPLA, your appeal will be withdrawn as you will have accepted liability in full.
If you decide to appeal to POPLA, you will need to visit their website, where further details of how to appeal (either online or by downloading the relevant forms) can be found. If you are unable to access their website, please call us for further information on how to obtain the forms. Please ensure your POPLA Reference Number, as noted above, is quoted on all correspondence to POPLA. You have 28 days from the date of this email to submit an appeal to POPLA. If you appeal to POPLA we will suspend recovery activity on the PCN and the charge will not increase until the appeal has been determined.
By law we are also required to inform you that Ombudsman Services ( provides an alternative dispute resolution service that would be competent to deal with your appeal. However, we have not chosen to participate in their alternative dispute resolution service. As such should you wish to appeal then you must do so to POPLA, as explained above.
If you do not make payment or submit an appeal to POPLA within the relevant timeframe, the outstanding PCN may be passed to our appointed debt collection agency for further action. All costs associated with this process will be added to the amount outstanding.

Private parking tickets / Re: PCN for parking outside of the parking bay
« on: February 22, 2024, 04:36:51 pm »
My draft response to appeal

I thought the challenge was clear but for the avoidance of doubt:
1. I have no knowledge or view as to whether I might be liable to the operator for a parking charge;
2. However, as keeper i am advising premier parking that your Notice to Keeper does not comply with the mandatory requirements of PoFA and consequently they would not have a legal right to seek to hold the keeper liable for the parking charge.
3. If premier parking does not accept that they have not met the legal test to hold the keeper liable, then i would request the IAS to instruct them in this regard, in effect to injunct me against any further action against the keeper.

Private parking tickets / Re: PCN for parking outside of the parking bay
« on: February 22, 2024, 04:31:28 pm »
Thank you for the response. The reply that is suggested starts with saying I was not the driver. Just to clarify, I am appealing on the behalf of the driver who is also the registered keeper. I wrote the appeal to PP signed in their name as they were just going to pay the charge.
I will appeal again in their name so I can’t state that I/he wasn’t the driver.  The advice generally is to not reveal who the driver is I believe.

Private parking tickets / Re: Invalid payment at Warwick uni
« on: February 20, 2024, 04:33:14 pm »
Thank you for all the help. I had a response to my dispute stating that they are cancelling the charge :)

Private parking tickets / Re: PCN for parking outside of the parking bay
« on: February 20, 2024, 12:59:40 pm »
I just received an email response from Premier Parking.
Any advice on how to respond?

Private parking tickets / Re: PCN for parking outside of the parking bay
« on: February 14, 2024, 07:08:41 pm »
My response to them was

Dear Sirs,

I have received your Parking Charge Notice (Ref: ________) for vehicle registration mark ____ ___, in which you allege that the driver is liable to pay a parking charge. I note from your correspondence that you are not seeking to hold me liable as the registered keeper, under Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 ("The Act").

There is no obligation for me to name the driver and I will not be doing so. I am therefore unable to help you further with this matter, and look forward to your confirmation that the charge has been cancelled. If you choose to decline this appeal, you must issue a POPLA code.


Private parking tickets / Re: PCN for parking outside of the parking bay
« on: February 14, 2024, 08:34:53 am »
I said what is recommended on this site, that I’m not at liberty to disclose who the driver is.

Private parking tickets / Re: PCN for parking outside of the parking bay
« on: February 13, 2024, 09:14:05 pm »
The issue date is February 9th, the day after the photos were taken.

I have contested the charge with Premier Park as advised. I need to find out who owner of the land is. I think it’s  Tesco. The driver visited Nando’s on the day and can prove this with the online receipt.

Private parking tickets / PCN for parking outside of the parking bay
« on: February 13, 2024, 03:48:33 pm »
The driver parked over the line as the vehicle is big and there was a bay out of use due to a temp barrier next to it.  The registered keeper received a charge in the post.
Looking for advice on how to respond please.

Private parking tickets / Re: Invalid payment at Warwick uni
« on: January 18, 2024, 11:31:35 pm »
this is the first notice received.
This document is addressed to the registered car owner.
Thank you

Private parking tickets / Invalid payment at Warwick uni
« on: January 18, 2024, 04:23:47 pm »
The driver parked on December 1st. A ticket was bought online. This fine was received today in the post and issued on January 16th.  No email receipt to confirm parking was paid for but the credit card statement shows it was paid. I want to know how properly to respond to this please.

Edit- this is the first notice received.
This document is addressed to the registered car owner.
Thank you

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