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Messages - concoj

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Nothing yet

Acknowledgement Email

Thank you Incandescent, lets fight this one. Just made representations today fingers-cross. I'll keep you updated

Speeding and other criminal offences / Christchurch Rd /Roupell Rd SW2
« on: December 15, 2024, 01:38:06 pm »
 :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(

Please help

 :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(

Exactly, I didn’t show this sign as a drove back then.
Shouldn’t be a sign on the left-hand side advising of this time restricted prohibition? 
Is this PCN fightable? 😬😬

Thank you Incasdescent,

I went back to the crime scene, I hope the footage I made is helpful

Oh noooooo, it seems I missed the sign as I turned onto Lucien Rd last month.

Any idea if I can walk free from this pcn?

Please kindly advise

Thanks in advance

Thank you so much guys.

Post arrived today from debt collectors

please kindly advise


There was no contravention of a prescribed order or failure to comply with an indication given by a sign.
Challenge draft

Representation details:

*There was no contravention of a prescribed order or failure to comply with an indication given by a sign.

Supporting evidence:

The only signage is located 50 yards from the junction and there's no sign at the actual junction; Chapter 3 of the Traffic Signs Manual says at 4.5.3 that "A prohibited turn sign to diagram 612 or 613 is sited immediately before the junction, normally on the left hand side."

Attached evidence:
1. Self recorded footage
2. TFL CCTV footage

Is that ok, should I proceed, please kindly advise

***thank you so much H C Andersen as the previous message had an error


Challenge draft

Representation details:

*I was not the owner of the vehicle at the time or never was the owner of the vehicle in question.

There was no contravention of a prescribed order or failure to comply with an indication given by a sign.

Supporting evidence

The only signage is located 50 yards from the junction and there's no sign at the actual junction; Chapter 3 of the Traffic Signs Manual says at 4.5.3 that "A prohibited turn sign to diagram 612 or 613 is sited immediately before the junction, normally on the left hand side."

Attached evidence:
1. Self recorded footage
2. TFL CCTV footage

Is that ok, should I proceed, please kindly advise

dear cp8759 you where all correct "As for signage, there's one here that's been around since 2019, but that's 50 yards from the junction and there's no sign at the actual junction"

I went to record a video the day after you advised and also requested video footage that I need to play and post to you probably using

Christmas present 🤣

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