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Topics - Hippocrates

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I think it a good idea for our super-enthusiastic members (I will not mention any names from Crewe!) for some of us to view decisions on a daily basis and correlate their results with any live cases.

Would anyone be prepared to do this please? It would also involve going to the websites re each case to view the evidence.

I must admit that I have had an interesting weekend doing this.  I am up for it.

All cases can then be sent to our Wizard Administrator. I almost wrote Adjudicator!  ;D He can then choose to publish on his link.

Thanks in advance.

The Flame Pit / Conundrum regarding fresh issue of a Charge Certificate
« on: August 18, 2024, 03:34:47 pm »
Council is Lambeth. Recently got a motorcyclist off 6 out of 7 PCNs; but, one slipped through the net as per usual with this council. Made copious complaints and followed the statutory process and got the OFR and C.C. cancelled.

They have issued yet another C.C.! I have contacted TEC - not helpful - and complained yet again to the council.

They have also maligned me personally to my client writing that  I hadn't made clear my criticisms of their Enforcement Notices when I had. All this is on file. And they did not provide me with a copy.

I have asked them to cancel the C.C. and refer the matter to the Tribunal and also for an apology.

Question One: how long do they have to respond to my complaint? I filed it on 31st July via their portal but had already written to their complaints address on 23rd July.

Question Two: do I have any right to pursue them regarding their offensive letter other than via the Tribunal?

I thought it useful to compile a list of those councils who demand the full payment in their Notices of Rejection which situation, of course, is then a no brainer to go to the Tribunal.

First infamous one is: London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. Code 34j. Bus lane enforcement.

When a comprehensive list is achieved, I will send one of my special missives to London Councils (and each individual council) in terms of The Nolan Principles.

As ever, thanks in advance for your assistance. If you do know of any, please also cite the relevant legislation.

News / Press Articles / Fires on Kos
« on: July 02, 2024, 07:30:27 am »
Lucky to be alive

Not my finest hour: : 2240155637

I had applied for a second review and was politely advised of the next step.* Nevertheless. please see para. 12 of the review decision:

12. I have carefully considered the PCN sent to the Appellant. The section of the PCN from page 3 onwards, under the heading “How to Challenge” appears to be a template that the Authority must attach to both its PCNs and NtOs, which is why it refers to both Notices.

My application against this decision:

Dear Sirs

I wish to include an addendum to my application below:

1. For the avoidance of any doubt, the application is for a review of the review decision .Whilst  I note the second review adjudicator’s comments regarding advanced warning signage, 9. There was a warning sign present on the right-hand side of the Leahurst Road. In my view, considering the position and the colour of the sign, it would be likely to be clearly and adequately visible to motorists. In any event, there is no requirement for warning signage to be in place and the sign that I must consider is the restriction sign itself, which I find to be adequate. This signage was not clearly and adequately visible to my client.  Furthermore, it is grossly unfair that the advanced signage at Longhurst  Road (wrongly ascribed to Leahurst Road) is larger and more visible therefore.
2. I should just wish to elaborate ground 3 further in that, should the decision stand, the Tribunal may as well draft an appeal form to contain the two statutory schemes. Of course, this would be absurd as is also a council sending out the incorrect appeal form to an appellant, on which issue appeals are often allowed.

Yours faithfully


Dear Sirs

I make this application for a second review of the decision made by Adjudicator Cordelia Fantinic in the interests of justice.


1. At paragraph 12 she said this:  I have carefully considered the PCN sent to the Appellant. The section of the PCN from page 3 onwards, under the heading “How to Challenge” appears to be a template that the Authority must attach to both its PCNs and NtOs, which is why it refers to both Notices. (My bold). I refer to the said “PCN/Notice to Owner” as attached. Therefore, with the greatest of respect, this statement is Wednesbury unreasonable as no other adjudicator could possible state the same. Clearly, this statement has influenced the rest of her decision with regard to the issue in question.
2. She further states: Nevertheless, as a whole, I find that the PCN complies with the requirements of Schedule 1 of the London Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2003. Should she be referring to the  Hackney Drivers case as attached, the phrase “as a whole” is irrelevant since the information on the document is plainly wrong. Similarly, this statement is also wrong, therefore:@ para. 13. On the facts of this case I find that the PCN was substantially compliant.
3. Should this decision  stand, then it is perfectly reasonable to ask this honourable Tribunal to amend its website and clearly state that a PCN in one legislation can act as another document pertaining to a Statutory Instrument which refers to an entirely separate legislation. This is a clear conflation of two entirely separate entities.
4. Regarding this statement @ 5:  A review application may only be granted in limited cases, one of those is where the interests of justice require it. Reading Adjudicator Brennan’s decision, in the context of the decision, my view is that the reference to Longhurst Road is a typo, and that she intended to refer to Leahurst Road. Nevertheless, considering this error, I will grant this review request in the interests of justice. My only comment is: was this a typo or an error? I really fail to understand her reasoning.

In light of the above, I ask for a review and personal hearing please.

Yours faithfully


P.S.: The PCN had already been paid as I said at the hearing.

Thank you for your recent correspondence.

Our records show that the appeal was refused by the Adjudicator Ms Brennan on 13 May 2024. The application for review was rejected by the Adjudicator Ms Fantinic on 11 June 2024.

Two independent adjudicators having found you liable for the penalty, the jurisdiction of the tribunal is complete.

Should you wish to contest the matter further your remedy now rests in an application to the High Court for the judicial review of the decision that you seek to challenge. You may wish to take your own legal advice on this process.

The information on the procedure can be found on a link on our website.

Therefore, please visit our website for further details; -

How can I challenge the outcome of my appeal and select link “The Court Service website”.

Yours sincerely

Case Management Team


Original application for a review of the original decision:

Dear Sirs
Under Section 11 of The Road Traffic (Parking Adjudicators) (London) Regulations 1993, I make this application for a review of Madame Adjudicator Teresa Brennan’s decision as follows.
The Adjudicator is wrong when she said this:  I find that a driver proceeding in Longhurst Road would be able to see the sign as they approach. I clearly and unequivocally said at the hearing that my client came down Leahurst Road.  Furthermore, I clearly raised the issue that their photographic evidence of warning signage indicating a no right hand turn incorrectly referred to Leahurst Road.
The Adjudicator also said this: At the hearing today for the first time Mr Morgan argued that liability should not have been transferred to Ms Petkoff and that therefore the appellant was not liable for the Penalty Charge Notice as the agreement did not provide a sufficient degree of permanence for Ms Petkoff to be the keeper of the vehicle for the duration of the lease. I never said any of this:  I simply stated that the council had not provided a copy of the agreement and that the Adjudicator had made decisions on this point.

The Adjudicator has failed to apprehend my argument concerning the hybrid nature of the PCN/NtO which is that it was entirely reasonable to ask why the grounds of  Notice to Owner were not present as they included the large passage pertaining to 56 days etc.

I am entitled to make a new point at a hearing and the Adjudicator is also entitled to adjourn the matter accordingly. She refused to do so.  I have observed a hearing before the Chief Adjudicator in which Mr Dishman was the representative some months ago - he made verbal submissions re a map as I recall - and, indeed, I have represented a motorist very recently in which he made written submissions ca 7 days before the hearing and the Adjudicator quite properly adjourned the hearing and his decision to give the council (Islington) an opportunity to respond (Mr Adjudicator Edward Houghton).

I note Miss Brennan’s comments about lay representatives and I fail to understand why we are treated differently from appellants as we are not legally qualified and simply help people in the fight for justice.
In light of the above, I ask for a review and a personal hearing.

I have just noticed over the last two days that the infamous Barbour Logic misstates the 28th day when the penalty may increase to £130. Viva Barbour Logic!  :D


Southwark point 3 ff:

So it is always worth checking the status of one's PCN before paying or challenging it.  ;)


Urgent: does anyone know of anyone currently challenging a Southwark bus lane PCN as ITN would like to interview them on camera?

If so, please contact me asap.

The Flame Pit / How do we get more people to fight their PCNs?
« on: June 13, 2024, 09:36:27 pm »
As you all know, I have been in this "game" for many years. The administrative staff at London Tribunals fondly describe me as one of The Three Musketeers. (The portly one) :D The other two - though younger* - are more prolific than I. No problem.  ;D

Please: how do we get more people to fight their tickets?

*Only slightly as far as one is concerned.  ;) The other guy's reputation - The Wizard - precedes him.  :)

I am helping a friend and I do not need any assistance with the actual alleged contravention so will not upload pictures.  The procedural issues are as follows:

1. The person mislaid the original PCN and, despite receiving correspondence from the council stating she should e mail to receive a copy, they reneged.

2. I advised her what to write regarding the alleged contravention and they sent their reply to the wrong address!

3. I then phoned them (having been authorised)and  they still refused to send a copy PCN. So, I asked what it contained as per the 28 days served wording and made another representation which was rejected and sent to me. Amongst other things, they say: "Please be advised that the Notice to Owner has not yet been sent, nor is having the initial PCN on hand a pre-requisite of appealing when the Notice to Owner is issued."  Also, they failed to consider my point about the 28 days.

4. The NtO has arrived and it contains no errors sadly.  :'(

5, I am aware of cases won concerning the grounds expressed on their website which are below*

Is it a good idea to raise point 5 now at the NtO stage or best to leave it for the Tribunal stage?


Website grounds:

Please view the reasons and then enter your explanation below.
Click your reason or search for it below
Parked there before
If you did not get a Penalty Charge before, perhaps it was because there were no Civil Enforcement Officers nearby.
Select this reason to use it in your challenge
Didn't see/understand the signs
Your Penalty Charge was issued for contravention 27: parking against a stretch of lowered, sloping kerb. These places are visible so they do not need signs or road markings beside them. Kerbs are built like this to allow easy access across them. They exist at different locations for different reasons: to help pedestrians cross the road, especially people with prams or wheelchairs; to allow cars access to garages; and to allow cycles to cross from roads to cycle tracks.
Select this reason to use it in your challenge
Nowhere to park
We don't usually cancel Penalty Charges for this reason.

Parking pressure is high, especially in areas where there are schools, blocks of flats, households with more than one car, or shops that people drive to. We cannot guarantee everyone a space, including permit holders. Although we understand the difficulties you may have had trying to find somewhere to park, you still have to obey the parking rules.
Select this reason to use it in your challenge
Was loading/unloading
We will reconsider if you upload a copy of your delivery note, receipt/invoice for goods or job sheet. We will check that your document was valid.

We will reconsider your case if you provide us with more information. Depending on what you were loading or unloading, we may need to see a delivery note, a receipt/invoice for goods or a job sheet. And please describe the loading or unloading activity. Among other things, we will check: that what you were doing counts as loading or unloading; and that you only parked as long as necessary for the loading or unloading that you did.
Select this reason to use it in your challenge
Vehicle broke down
We will reconsider if you upload a copy of your breakdown company report or a receipt for parts, removal or repair. We will check that your document was valid.

Among other things, we will check that: the breakdown was unforeseeable rather than, for example, running out of fuel; the document is from a proper organisation; and the vehicle was not left for longer than 24 hours before being removed.
Select this reason to use it in your challenge

If you select search for other reasons: Lost PCN


The Notice to Owner is dated 9th May so the deemed service date is 13th May which takes us to Sunday 9th June. I am tempted to advise (as the illustrious Dancing Dad would most probably agree!) making online representations on the 9th since I know how trigger-happy RBK have been in the past. But I guess the 7th would be safer.  Any thoughts how to play this are most welcome.  Meanwhile, I can only describe this situation with my usual adjective:  bolleaux.

I am having to recuse myself for the time being for personal reasons.

The Flame Pit / Humour thread
« on: April 24, 2024, 11:23:41 am »
This is the story of Sonia Snell.
to whom an accident befell.
It happened as it does to many
That Sonia went to spend a penny.
And entered in, with modest grace
The properly appointed place.
Provided at the railway station.
And there she sat in meditation
Unfortunately unacquainted that
The woodwork had been newly painted
Which made poor Sonia realise
Her inability to rise
and though she struggled pulled and yelled
she found that she was firmly held.
Her cries for help soon quickly brought
A crowd of every kind and sort
who stood around and feebly sniggered
But all they said was " I'll be jiggered
The station master and his staff
were most polite and did not laugh.
They tugged at Sonia's hands and feet
But could not shift her off the seat.
A carpenter arrived at last
and finding Sonia still stuck fast
Remarked, " I know what to do"
and neatly sawed the seat in two.
An ambulance then came down the street
and bore her off complete with seat.
To Take that wooden bustled girl
of quickly to the hospital
Where taking her by feet and head
they laid her face down on the bed.
The doctors all then gathered round
A surgeon looked said " I'll be bound
Have any of you I implore
Seen anything like this before.
"Yes" said a student unashamed
"Frequently, but never framed

I should really know all this, and do in part; but, it seems to me that anomalies exist:

1. If one wishes to make a complaint about the conduct - not the decision - of an adjudicator, the Chief Adjudicator deals with it.

2. If one wants to complain about the conduct of the Chief Adjudicator - not his decision - Mr Stephen Boon who works for London Councils deals with it in the first instance; but, guess what, another adjudicator deals with it.  A man called Nick Lester used to deal with such.

Food for thought as I am seriously considering the latter.

And I am going to request a meeting with the Justice Secretary re the fiasco of the incompetence of the Tribunal for 18 years vis a vis the bus lane fiasco when adjudicators refused appeals without understanding the legislation! And, it has to be said, they failed to note that many, if not all, VCA certificates produced (if any) would have failed the test! 

For Gawd's sake as it is Easter.

I must add that, the other day, I had to educate one adjudicator about the law.

One of our members observed.  philou.

At the beginning of each appeal hearing, the appellant is informed that the adjudicator is independent. Or s/he should say so.

The Flame Pit / Signature on PE3 form: Statutory Declaration
« on: March 24, 2024, 12:36:39 pm »
I should really know this but I am just sharing the situation.

The registered keeper authorised the representative to make formal representations against the Enforcement Notice(s). Of course, the said former person must sign the declaration in the presence of a witness.

My question is this: would it be helpful for the representative to sign an affidavit too?  Thanks  in advance.

The conflated comic says it is time for some publicity and "Justice like That!"

He will be appearing outside every council who have enforced bus lane contraventions and throwing the book at all of them.  Except the five who have not enforced: Bexley, City of London, City of Westminster, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and Redbridge.

The humour is there for a purpose, although the outrageous saga is not funny at all, actually, as you all know.

His first two outings are against Bromley and Kingston.  The finale will be in November when his diet has taken effect and end up outside some important buildings in London.  Top secret!  Applications from other potential "Justice like That" collaborators are most welcome.  I have a Zorba costume and Robin Hood costume ready for use.



If you receive a bus lane ticket/Penalty Charge Notice, for your own sake, please do not pay it as you will win at the Tribunal.  The evidence is inadmissible.

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