Someone kindly recommended I cross-post this from PePiPoo, so apologies if it's a duplication for anyone - the thread there is visited family in Walthamstow last weekend (22nd-24th March) and, arriving in the dark late on Friday night, completely missed the sign about parking being suspended in a few bays on the street to allow access for a removal van the following day. When we went out the next morning our car was gone, and two others parked in the same row had PCNs and tow warning signs on them - I assume it was our bad luck that they took our car first and then came back for the others, or we might have got there in time to just have the PCN. I completely accept that I was parked in a suspended bay, but I feel the signage alerting to the suspension was inadequate given that it was a massive change from the norm for that street. Do I have grounds to contest the PCN/towing based on that? It came to a total of £265 (£65 for the PCN, £200 for the tow), so not small change!
GSV link to the spot in question: was parked pretty much where the black car in this link is, there was another car behind me (to the right of the picture, where the white car is on street view) that was still within the bay. The suspension sign was attached to the lamppost that's behind the white car, so outside numbers 18/20. Walking up and down the street in daylight I didn't see any other notices about the parking suspension, though I have no photographic evidence of this.
Here are (hopefully!) photos of the sign, and the paperwork from Waltham council.

Thanks for reading, and for any advice!