If you know how to do video editing and annotation I believe you have good chance to win.
If we focus on 2:19 of the video, when you just entered the YBJ, the bus shadowed the path that you were going to use from the view point of the camera. If you can use some tool to remove the bus from the image we should be able to show clearly that there was a clear path and a clear exit (there were other cars moving long the path and the exit, but they were not blocking). The position of the bus at 2:19, if we can draw a line around its perimeter on the ground, I believe there is no way you can tell that it will block your exit in a few seconds. Even when the bus has switched lane and stopped, its tail just sit at the left edge of your exit, actually there was no way the bus was blocking your path or exit at 2:19.
You can also argue that at 2:16, there was another black car exactly to the right of the bus and in front of you. At 2:19 when you entered the YBJ, the black car is right in the shadow of the bus. It successfully entered and leaved the YBJ. You were supposed to follow the black car's path when you entered the YBJ. The black car's existence actually is your proof.
@cp8759 's representation is good enough. The difficult part is how to show it clearly via image and video. The adjudicator does not necessarily have the patience to study the video as thoroughly as we do.