Submitted online.
What happens next? How long do they typically take to respond with a decision?
Can I assume the hold is extended until I receive a response? It's now the 24th of July. my case was on hold for another week ,until the 1st August (presumably extended when I called again on 17th July to say I hadn't yet received the video). Does that mean I will still have a week from when I receive their decision to consider whether to appeal?
Status history
24 July 2023 Email dispatched to: Subj Representation receipted
24 July 2023 On Hold: SUS26 - Representation Received
17 July 2023 On Hold: SUS54 - DTES Footage Request (01/08/2023)
12 July 2023 On Hold: SUS54 - DTES Footage Request (27/07/2023)
01 July 2023 PCN Batched