Hi Everyone,
On New Year's Day, I parked my car on a single yellow line on a road in the London Borough of Southwark and received a penalty charge notice of £130.
When I entered the road, I did notice a sign. After receiving the PCN on my car, I went back to look at the sign for the zone in which I was parked (see attached image). The sign is located under a bridge with no lighting, which is probably why I didn't see it.
On top of that, the sign had something over the start time. I had to take a picture with the flash on to see it clearly (see attached image).
Since it was New Year's Day, a bank holiday, I assumed parking was free. I’ve always parked on single yellow lines during bank holidays without issue.
There were no parking restriction signs on the side of the road where I parked (see attached images), and nothing indicated that parking was not allowed there.
On the opposite side of the road, there were parking permit holder bays, but on my side, it was just yellow lines.
Do I have any ground to challenge it? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
PS. Part of the PCN is destroyed as it was raining, so some text is missing.
Penalty Charge Notice:
Parking Zone Sign:
Parking Sign With Flash:
Yellow Lines: