Thank you in advance.
Arnos Road N11 has restricted parking between the hours of 11:00 - 12:00 noon Monday to Friday. PCN states that on 10/01/25, between 10:58 and 11:03, a CEO observed the vehicle parked and the contravention being committed.
I agree that the contravention was being committed for three minutes between 11:00 and 11:03, however, the contravention was not being committed between 10:58 and a second before 11:00. Therefore, the CEO only witnessed the contravention for three minutes.
There was a short delay in returning to the vehicle, and it was moved away from the restricted road at approximately 11:05.
Before I count my losses, is there any ground for an informal appeal as there seems to be no grace period?
Furthermore, is there ground for appeal on the basis that the PCN states the vehicle was witnessed in contravention of the parking restriction two minutes before the restrictions came into force?
I appreciate the advice!